Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2008 Extravaganza

The Extravaganza is this Saturday, October 4th at the Kuhn house - 6030 N. Forrest Drive (in Thousand Oaks). All girls cross country athletes are invited to attended. Athletes are reminded to bring sleeping bags/blankets and a pillow. Kuhns are graciously going to grill out Saturday night and will provide the meat-all athletes are asked to help out by bringing the following:

Freshmen - breakfast foods for Sunday morning (bagels, juice, fruit, doughnuts, etc.)

Sophomores - a side item for dinner (pasta salad, potato salad, chips, dip, etc)

Juniors - dessert

Seniors - bottled water (6-12 each)

Just a reminder, this night is a night meant for team bonding and safe, good times. The boys' CC "Extravamanza" got a little carried away at their team night (see photo). We don't feel retaliation is necessary and I will remind you that our trip to Weston is scheduled for next Wednesday and we all really want to go!!!! So..have fun, be safe and courteous-like always!!!

Coach Lerch

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Inspiration can come in so many different forms. Sometimes, inspiration is intrinsic- we are inspired to beat our fastest time, to get in better shape, to beat our sister, to win SISU. Other times, it is extrinsic - "If I finish this race, I am eating ice cream for lunch." or "If I PR at KC Metro, I am buying myself new running shorts." Often times, inspiration comes from individuals - whether it is 50 high school girls, Deena Kastor, our parents, friends, daughters or siblings - these people can give us that strength we need to push ourselves harder, faster and further than we have pushed ourselves ever before. Today, inspiration came to me from my own mother, who completed her very first half marathon in Omaha, Nebraska. I was proud to run by her side, proud to watch her accomplish a difficult goal and extremely proud to cheer her on all the way, running by her side.
Although not all of you may believe it - you have ALREADY inspired others- you inspire Coach Huff and I all the time and I am sure each athlete on our team has inspired her parents as they watch each race. I also know you inspired the young runners of Lakeview this week when we ran with their running club. Mrs. Sandy Jacobs, the group's teacher sponsor, sent me this thanks, "Thanks so much for coming over yesterday. I wish that there would have been more kids in running club yesterday but your girls made an impact on all 4 kids that were here. I have seen 3 of the 4 this morning and they are still on cloud nine. They were busy sharing their stories so I think your girls did a great job of selling cross country yesterday. Leslie (one of the young runners) said, I didn’t realize that running could be so fun! Your girls definitely seem like they are a cohesive group who has fun and cares about others."
As we go into the last two weeks of the season for many of our runners, I encourage you to run INSPIRED, as you never know who YOU just may be inspiring as you race in this great sport.

Coach Lerch