Friday, August 28, 2009

Pasta Party Example Flyer

If you decide to host a pasta party, please send me an e-mail with information like the example below. I can make copies at school and deliver them to the boys and girls teams

Platte City/Joplin Pasta Party
Wednesday, September 17th after practices (4:30)
1234 Spinnaker Pt in Riss Lake—1 mile in from either entrance and then all the way at the end of Spinnaker Pointe. Are you lost? Call: 123-4567
Hosted by families: Smith, Jones, Kline, Walker
Freshmen – Please bring desserts, Sophomores and Juniors – each bring 6 pack of water
Coach Lerch

Parent Information

Head Coach:
Pam Lerch
School #359-6314
Home #686-1866

We believe that cross country should be fun! We believe that cross country challenges each athlete to perform to the best of her ability and helps build character. We believe that cross country is a team sport composed of individual athletes. We believe that each athlete has something to offer the program and each athlete will gain multiple strengths from the program. We will utilize each athlete’s strengths and improve on each athlete’s weaknesses. We believe that there are times that an individual athlete must make sacrifices for the betterment of the team. We believe that parental support is an important part of development and success in cross country. And finally, we believe that cross country builds the foundation for running as a lifetime sport and we are pleased to help build this foundation for each athlete.

Eligibility: In order to be eligible for participation in cross country this season, you must have earned 4 or more credits in the last semester and passed all 4 classes. Throughout the season, you must maintain a 2.5 grade point average. Last year, our TEAM GPA was a 3.6! That is awesome!!!!

Physical and Waivers: Each participant must have a completed physical prior to her first day of practice. The physical must be on file with the coach. Each participant must also have an off campus running form completed and on file with the coach.

Participation Fee: Each athlete must pay a participation fee required by the school district. This fee is a yearly fee and will cover any other sport you participate in this year at PHS. The fee is $45.00 and is paid to the Athletic Office.

Practice: Practice will start each day at 3:00. We will meet on the track for campus run days and on the bus for travel run days. A monthly calendar is handed out prior to the beginning of the month. Generally, Campus runs will end at 4:30 and off campus runs will last until 5:30, unless noted on the calendar. We will attempt to be outside for each practice. Bring appropriate clothing for all weather. All runners meeting the time trail cut off of 20 minutes will run in our first meet @ Liberty. After that, meet running will be determined by performance in practice or at pervious meets. Runners not meeting the 20 minute limit are more than welcomed to practice with the team on our non-travel days (usually Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.)

Practice and Meet Rules
Prior to competing in the first meet, each participant must have fourteen practices in record. This is in accordance with MSHSAA guidelines.

Attendance is mandatory! Each participant is expected to be at practice every day. If any participant has two unexcused absences, she is removed from the team and she must turn in her uniform. If you must miss practice, let Coach Lerch know ahead of time. We provide calendars far enough in advance to limit conflicts. If an emergency arises, please e-mail or call Coach Lerch at school or home.

Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times. All athletes must have full length shirts and wear them at all times. At meets, participants must be in the cross country uniform provided by the school and the uniform must be worn as the manufacturer intended. If athletes choose to change after their races, they must be wearing appropriate clothing and preferably be in PHS CC gear. Uniforms must only be worn for competition.

Athletes will travel to and from competitions together. If an athlete misses the bus the morning of a meet, she is unable to participate in that meet. We will deal with extenuating circumstances on a case by case basis. Athletes may ride home with their parent or guardian at the completion of a meet. If an athlete chooses to do this, her parent or guardian must sign her out in our black binder. No one other than a parent or guardian can sign an athlete out from a meet.

Lettering Requirements
Varsity letters are given to those athletes who: have four years of active participation in PHS Cross County, have run in at least three varsity races this year, place in a scoring position in Conference, earn team points at a varsity meet.
Junior Varsity letters are given to those athletes who: place in a scoring position in conference, set a junior varsity or freshman record, place in scoring positions in at least three junior varsity meets.
Participation Awards will be given to anyone not meeting the criteria for either of the above and finishes the season with regular attendance.
We need your help!
We need help with meet snacks and pasta parties. We would like to have meet snacks at each meet. Pasta parties are held each week, usually the night before the meet. A sign up sheet is going around, please sign up if you can help. Feel free to join with other families to host a pasta party.

Coach Lerch

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Time Trials

Time trials were held tonight at English Landing Park. Thank you to all the parents who made it out to watch their daughters participate. Please e-mail me or call me if you have any questions remaining from tonight.

Miranda Norfleet - 14:10
Lizzy Jurries - 14:18
Dee Dee O'Toole - 14:43
Lauren Black - 14:52
Mackenzie Caaps - 15:12
Chrissy Lueth - 15:17
Hannah Walsh - 15:18
Kierstie Bischoff - 15:20
Miranda Henderson - 15:23
Logan Tucker-Nelson - 15:30
Kerry Maas - 15:30.85
Anna Schaefffer - 15:35
Abby Werner - 15:36
Hannah Carlson - 15:37
Amy Willsey - 15:39
Jessica Hayes - 15:56
Evan Willsey - 16:27
Ellie Link - 16:29
Erin Ringer - 16:31
Jane Jackson - 16:31.8
Dana Willsey - 16:46
Regan Branchick - 16:55
Bailey Walter - 16:56
Anna Gomes - 17:01
Justine Froude - 17:05
Audrey Rothers - 17:11
Lauren Rittman - 17:54
Jodi Hall - 18:04
Hailey Stout - 18:11
Laura Sickman - 18:15
Chloe Jones - 18:21
Jessica Waddle - 18:30
Jenna Allison - 19:06
Jessica Froude - 19:11
Elle Henning - 19:14
Marianne Buckmaster - 19:17
Kelly Bowen - 19:24
Carley Eslick - 19:26
Shanelle Kudera - 19:33
Maisie Baldwin - 19:35
Allyse Edwards - 20:23
Lauren Gonner - 20:37
Rachel Schisler - 20:58
Brooke Ruby - 22:00
Emma Schlagenhauff - 22:14
Katie Stelzer - 23:14
Taylor Breen - 23:31
Karlie Bischoff - 23:42

Coach Lerch

Congratulations Academic Award Winners!

Congratulations to the 25 Academic Award Winners! Excellent job ladies!!!
Jenna Allison
Maisie Baldwin
Kierstie Bischoff - 3rd letter
Kelly Bowen - 3rd letter
Mackenzie Capps
Allyse Edwards - 2nd letter
Lauren Gonner - 2nd letter
Miranda Henderson
Elle Henning - 3rd letter
Jane Jackson - 3rd letter
Chloe Jones
Christina Lueth
Kerry Maas
Ashley Miller
Miranda Norfleet - 3rd letter
Erin Ringer
Lauren Rittman
Kelsey Sadler
Anna Schaeffer
Emma Schlagenhauff
Laura Sickman
Jessica Waddle
Abigail Werner
Amy Willsey - 3rd letter
Evan Willsey - 3rd letter
Dana Willsey - 3rd letter
Maggi Wolfe - 2nd letter
Coach Lerch