Saturday, September 5, 2009

Liberty Results

What an excellent day for our first meet! Before posting times, I want to share some thoughts. First off, congratulations to all the athletes who ran today, you have done something that most people never even consider doing so that, in itself, is a reward. You should all be proud of yourselves. We started this journey over a month ago and it is so rewarding to see you race and to see you achieve this first goal. Now that we have raced our first meet, we can take stock in what we have accomplished and see where we still need work. What we accomplished: had 4 complete teams finish today, 34 athletes completing each race (and many dropping times from time trials) and 11 medal winners. We also ran smart, warmed up properly and worked as a TEAM- I heard many of you talking to each other as you worked up that last, long hill - EXCELLENT WORK.
Many of the things we need to work on will come as the season progresses but we can always improve. Some things we can work on immediately include pushing the limit, the whole race, the whole time - it is amazing what the human body can do when we train it correctly and expect it to perform. In order to train our bodies to respond to undertaking racing a 5K, we must first train our minds to believe - TRULY believe that we CAN do this. While racing, it is very easy to give in to our minds when it is telling us to stop running or to slow down because "Hey, this hurts." I believe in you, Coach Huff believes in you and MANY if not ALL of you are much, much stronger runners and better than you give yourselves credit. As coaches and spectators, we can encourage and might be there at that pivotal time in the race when you need us but - we might not be there and this is when you have to "dig deep" inside yourselves to push yourself harder, even when it feels like it is impossible, try saying this next time, "YES I CAN!" It is amazing what having a little faith in yourself can do for your time. Like I said, this confidence will grow as we race more but it never hurts to start now!

This week: NO PRACTICE Monday- but don't just sit on your booties - get out and run 3-5 miles. Tuesday - School practice, done by 4:30. Wednesday - Preview RAY PEC LATE DAY- ETA back at school - 6:30, Thursday - School Practice - finished by 4:30 - then, PASTA PARTY @ school. The athletes will just stay at school after practice and eat. ALL ATHLETES NEED TO BRING 1 DESSERT FOR THE PASTA PARTY, ALL other food will be provided. This is our BIG fundraiser - last year, we made $1200!!! Each athlete was given 5 tickets to sell @ $5.o0 each (CC athletes eat free). The money is due Tuesday. If any parents are available to come and help serve food, we would appreciate the help! If you can help, please e-mail me. The Pasta Party is from 5:00-7:30. Friday - pre-meet, finished by 4:15. Saturday - RAY PEC everyone who is physically able to run WILL run in this meet! It will be 2 races, varsity and one HUGE JV race with our 40+ JV girls.
11:15 Load bus and leave PHSouth
1:15 Coaches Meeting
1:30 JV Girls and Fr. Boys 3.1 Miles
2:00 JV Boys 3.1 Miles
2:30 Varsity Girls 3.1 Miles
3:00 Varsity Boys 3.1 Miles
5:00 ETA back at PHSouth
Please NOTE the time change from the original morning times. Please also make sure that athletes are still getting a good night's rest on Friday night. Just because we run later in the day DOES NOT MEAN you can stay up later Friday night. Athletes should still get up around 8:00 and eat breakfast, drink LOTS of water and have a light lunch or snack at 11:00 so they have energy to run at 1:30 or 2:30.
I will wrap this up now...times for Liberty are below: top 7 will run varsity @ Ray Pec.
Lizzy Jurries - 12:49 - 10th place varsity medal
Miranda Norfleet - 13:35 - 35th place, varsity medal
Lauren Black - 14:00
Miranda Henderson - 13:51 - 4th place - 10th grade medal
Kerry Maas - 14:13, 13th place, 10th grade medal
Logan Tucker-Nelson - 14:23, 18th place, JV medal
Jessica Hayes - 14:30, 9th place, 9th grade medal
Ellie Link - 14:38 10th grade medal
Anna Schaeffer - 14:49 - 10th grade medal
Mackenzie Capps - 15:03
Abby Werner - 15:06 10th grade medal
Amy Willsey - 15:08 - JV MEdal
Hanna Walsh - 15:23
Audrey Rothers - 15:25 - 9th grade medal
Evan Willsey - 15:32 - JV Medal
Erin Ringer - 15:32
Anna Gomes - 15:46
Kierstie Bischoff - 15:50
Regan Branchick - 15:51
Kelsey Sadler - 15:55
Hannah Carlson - 16:07
Jane Jackson -16:19
Hailey Stout - 16: 22
Jodi Hall - 16:43
Mairanne Buckmaster - 16:46
Laura Sickman - 16:59
Carley Eslick - 17:07
Jenna Allison - 17:08
Dana Willsey - 17:18
Maisie Baldwin - 17:30
Shanelle Kudera - 17:39
Jessica Waddle - 17:41
Chloe Jones - 17:55
Kelly Bowen - 18:55
SPECIAL THANKS TO: ALL of our teammate helpers who took times, stats and helped collect clothes at the starting line (Bailey Walter, Jamie Venzian, Elle Henning, Brooke Ruby and Katie Stezler) and those who came and cheered on their teammates Taylor Breen, Ashley Miller, Karlie Bischoff and Maggi Wolfe. Thanks to all the families who came out to cheer on their athletes and help support the team. Thanks again to the pasta party host families: Mass, Gomes, Hayes and Jones and to the families in charge of snack bags this week :Branchick, Schaeffer and Capps. Next week snack bags: Eslick, Hall and Lueth. HUGE thanks to Mike Ringer for all of the great pictures!!!

Coach Lerch

Friday, September 4, 2009

Uniform Information

ALL athletes will receive a team uniform TODAY at practice. These uniforms are BRAND NEW. We will share these uniforms with the girls track team and we would like them to stay looking like new for the next 3 seasons. In order to keep them presentable please remember : DO NOT DRY THEM!!! Drying the uniforms will shrink them and cause the graphic on the front to crack. The uniform shorts are designed as running shorts and therefore, have built in underwear in them. DO NOT cut these out of the uniforms shorts, as it will ruin them and cause them to be nearly see through. Each athlete is issued a uniform and is expected to turn in the same uniform and warm up at the end of the season. If ANY part of the uniform is lost or damaged, the ahtlete responsible will be fined the cost of that piece so we can replace it. Please help us take care of these items.
Thank you!!!

Coach Lerch

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Snack Bag and Pasta Party List

Here is a list for the rest of the season on snack bags and pasta parties:
Snack Bags Liberty - Branchick, Schaeffer, Capps
Pasta Party - Maas, Gomes, Hayes, Jones
Snack Bags - Ray Pec - Lueth, Eslick, Hall
Pasta Party - At PHS
Snack Bags - Platte City - Gomes, Stout, Beeson
Snack Bags - Joplin - Bischoff
Snack Bags - Grandview - Werner, Sickman, Jackson
Pasta Party - Grandview - Bischoff, Hall, Link
KC Metro Snack Bags - Buckmaster, Wilson - need 1 more volunteer
Conference Snack Bags - Wolfe, Jurries - need 1 more volunteer
Conference Pasta Party - NEED Volunteers
District Snack Bags - to Be determined
District Pasta Party - Barry, Ortiz (Boys' families)

Coach Lerch

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time Change for Ray Pec Meet September 12

I just received this information regarding the Ray Pec meet NEXT weekend. If your daughter will not be able to run due to the time change, please e-mail me. I realize that many families make out of town plans well ahead of schedule so if this is a conflict, please let me know immediately.
TIME SCHEDULE : Due to the ACT test, the Ray Pec Coaches have moved the starting times back to allow athletes the chance to test and race .
11:30 Load bus and leave PHSouth
1:15 Coaches Meeting
1:30 JV Girls and Fr. Boys 3.1 Miles
2:00 JV Boys 3.1 Miles
2:30 Varsity Girls 3.1 Miles
3:00 Varsity Boys 3.1 Miles
5:00 ETA back at PHSouth
Coach Lerch

Monday, August 31, 2009


Park Hill South Cross Country Teams
After practices – Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hosting Families: Gomes, Hayes, Jones, Maas
3105 NW 57th Street, KCMO (816) 510-7860 (Anne Jetter Maas)

Located in the Sunpointe neighborhood on the east side of I29 at the 56th Street Exit. Proceed south on Roanridge to 56th Street. Turn left (east) onto 56th, turn left (north) onto Mayview (the next street over the hill), turn right (east) onto 57th Street (the next street over the hill), second house (grey) on the right.

Freshmen – Please bring cups Sophomores – Please bring brownies/cookies
Juniors – Please bring a six pack of water

Coach Lerch

Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Meet this Week! WOO HOO!!

Happy Sunday! I hope you all had an excellent weekend and enjoyed this unseasonable, gorgeous weather. The rest of the week looks like much of the same, cool temperatures. Monday - practice @ Macken Park - home by 5:00, Tuesday - on campus - finished by 4:30, Wednesday - preview Liberty course - home by 5:30, Thursday - on campus -finished by 4:30, Friday - premeet finished by- 4:15. Thursday night is our first pasta party, hosted by the Maas family. I will send home more information on that on WEDNESDAY. Saturday FIRST MEET @ Liberty - Stocksdale Park. Please see the directions posted on this site for the park. ALL meet spectators MUST pack at Schumacher Elementary school and take a shuttle bus to the park as there is not enough parking at the park for everyone. Please keep this in mind when you are planning your trip to the park. Also, it is an excellent idea to WEAR running shoes. Don't worry - we won't ask spectators to race but cross country races cover a large area of ground and it is a good idea to come prepared in tennis shoes- the grass is usually damp. It is also a good idea to wear or bring a jacket/sweatshirt/long-sleeved shirt as it is often cool in the morning when our first race starts. You can also bring camping chairs to sit in as you wait for your daughter's race to start but since Liberty requires riding a shuttle bus - I would hold off on the camping chair until our next race @ Ray Pec.
ALL athletes must be at school on Saturday morning at 6:00. Bus LEAVES @ 6:15!!! Yes, this is early but our 9th grade girls need to be at the course and ready by 7:00 so they can warm up properly.We WILL leave you if you are late!!! We also request that ALL athletes leave home football games at half time so they can go home and get to bed at a decent time. Please help us out and encourage your dauthers to be home by 9:00.
Athletes need to WEAR: the team uniforms and warm-ups (these will be issued this week) and RUNNING SHOES (no flip flops until after you race), our team t-shirt (we expect these to be in my Friday) and a smile - get excited - this is what you have been working hard to achieve!! Please pack a bag that includes: socks and extra socks so you have dry feet prior to your race, extra clothes to change into after you run- might want to pack some warm clothes as many athletes get chills after races; spikes - if you have them and want to run in them, water, your own snacks and Gatorade. Yes, you can warm up with an ipod but YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF IT! You are accountable for EVERYTHING you pack and bring to the meet - including your t-shirts, socks, uniforms and warm ups. If you misplace it - you will pay the fine for it! If you bring something from home and lose it - it is not the fault of your coaches!!!! Keep track of the things you bring and we will all be happy!
***Most races will also sell race t-shirts that usually run $10-$15. These are not mandatory to purchase but we know many of the athletes do purchase them - if you are interested, bring $$.
6:15 - LEAVE PHS
9TH GIRLS - 8:00 A.M (20 medals). 9TH BOYS - 8:30 A.M.(20 medals)
10TH GIRLS – 8:55 A.M. (20 medals) 10TH BOYS – 9:25 A.M. (20 medals)
J.V. GIRLS – 9:50 A.M. (40 medals) J.V. BOYS – 10:20 A.M. (30 medals)
VARSITY GIRLS – 10:45 A.M. (30 medals) VARSITY BOYS – 11:15 A.M. (30 medals)
AWARDS – 11:45 A.M.
ETA back @ PHS - 1:00pm.
The following athletes will be running at Liberty - each athlete's name is followed by the race in which she will run. GOOD LUCK!!
Jenna Allison - 10th
Maisie Baldwin - 10th
Kierstie Bischoff - Varsity
Lauren Black - Varsity
Kelly Bowen - JV
Regan Branchick - JV
Marianne Buchmaster - 10
Mackenzie Capps - varsity
Hannah Carlson - 10
Carley Eslick - 9
Anna Gomes - 10
Jodi Hall - 9
Jessica Hayes - 9
Miranda Henderson - 10
Elle Henning - JV
Jane Jackson - JV
Chloe Jones - 10
Lizzy Jurries - varsity
Shanelle Kudera - 10
Ellie Link - 10
Crissy Lueth - JV
Kerry Mass - 10
Miranda Norfleet - varsity
DeeDee O'Toole - Varsity
Erin Ringer - 10
Lauren Rittman - 10
Audrey Rothers - 9
Kelsey Sadler - 10
Anna Schaeffer - 10
Laura Sickman - 10
Hailey Stout - 9
Logan Tucker-Nelson - JV
Jessica Waddle - 10
Hannah Walsh - varisty
Bailey Walter s- 9
Abby Werner - 10
Amy Willsey - JV
Dana Willsey - JV
Evan Willsey - JV
Coach Lerch