Monday, October 31, 2011

Sectional Results...

Congratulations Ladies! 7th Place in the City- what a great improvement from 28th place at KC Metro!!!
Erica - PR!!! 21:27

Audrey - 21:36

Madeline - 21:37

Lauren - 21:39

Lizzy - 21:47

Raven - 22:27

DeDe - 23:06

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Lauren's Last Race..

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Lizzy and Audrey

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Raven and DeDe

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Madeline and Erica

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Danielle and Hannah

Congratulations to Danielle (24:01) and Hannah (24:55).

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Sectional Results

Congratulations to the PHS ladies for their showing at the 2011 Class 4, Sectional 4 meet. This race is easily the fastest race of the season, and possibly the fastest races in the state, next to the actually State Meet. Congratulations, ladies!

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Girls Qualify!

Coach Jurgensmeyer

PHS Girls Qualify for Sectionals!!!

The Lady Panthers rose to the occasion at Districts and qualified as a team for Sectionals, finishing 3rd!!!
Congratulations to:

Lizzy Jurries (Named to All District with a 9th place finish, 21:36)

Madeline Homoly - 15th 21:58

Erica Guzman - 25th 22:37

Lauren Blair - 28th 22:45

Raven Jennings - 36th 23:42

Audrey Rothers - 45 24:13

DeDe O'Toole - 48 24:27

and to our alternates:
Hannah Carlson 24:44

Danielle Black 25:11

Kerry Maas 25:23.
What a great day for our TEAM!!! Since I have been coaching at PHS (9 years) we have NEVER finished higher than 4th place! Today was an EXCELLENT Day to be a Panther!
The team will race at the Sectional meet on Saturday, October 29th at Longview Community College. The boys (with 3 Sectional qualifiers) run at 10:00 and the girls run at 10:45, alternates race at 11:25.

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Homecoming..Keep it Classy CC!

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Conference Champs!

Congratulations on back to back conference championships! Best of luck to our varsity team at Districts on October 22nd:
Lizzy Jurries
Madeline Homoly
Lauren Blair
Erica Guzman
Audrey Rothers
Raven Jennings
DeDe O'Toole
Hannah Carlson
Olivia Ortiz
Kerry Maas
Erin Ringer
Danielle Black
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Conference Champs!

Coach Jurgensmeyer


Coach Jurgensmeyer