Monday, October 20, 2008

Districts Saturday

Our district meet is this Saturday, October 25th at Swope Park. ALL Cross Country athletes can ride the bus with the team on Saturday. We will leave PHS at 8:00 Saturday morning. The boys run at 10:00 and the girls run at 10:30. Please come out to support the team!
The banquet for CC is next Monday, October 27th at Cascomes at 6:00. ALL banquet money is due Wednesday, October 22 to Coach Lerch. Each person is $11.00 and checks can be made out to Cascomes - NOT PHS.
This weekend, 14 of our athletes volunteered at the Waddell and Reed Kansas City Marathon. This is was an excellent way to see first hand that running is a lifetime sport as these girls saw runners from every walk of life and age group. Over 8000 runners participated in the 5K, Half Marathon, Marathon and Marathon Relay. Coach Huff showed her SISU this weekend and set a PR in the half marathon by 3 minutes with a time of 1:51! Way to go Coach Huff! Coach Huff shows us that racing is constantly evolving for each runner and each and every runner can always run faster-even after years of running. Coach Huff and I would both like to thank the 14 athletes who came out to volunteer and cheer us on. We felt like celebrities at mile 6.5 when 14 exuberant cheerleaders yelled our names! What an excellent push of energy at the half way mark! Thanks for waking up early on your weekend off to come out and support us.
Practice this week: Monday - bus to Walden, Tuesday - on campus workout, Wednesday- bus to swope Park, Thursday - on campus workout, Friday - pre-meet.
ALL runners who have not turned in their uniforms will have the opportunity to turn them in NEXT Tuesday, after school in Coach Huff's room. Please do not bring them to the banquet or toour rooms prior to that date as we need each athlete to fill out paperwork as they turn in their uniforms. ALL lockers must be cleaned out by THIS FRIDAY!!!
Coach Lerch

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