Monday, November 3, 2008

Sectional Results

Congratulations to the girls team on their performance at Sectionals this weekend! The girls worked so hard to get this far and we are proud of them! the field for the day was very fast and very competitive. The girls did a great job showing up, ready to compete and run fast times. Times are as follows:
Jeanie Lohnes - 20:57 (PR!!!)
Natalie clifford - 21:40
Miranda Norfleet - 22:06
Lauren Black - 22:21
Jessica Newsom - 22:22
Katy Lindsey - 23:31
Amy Willsey - 23:43
The team finished 8th. Best of luck goes to Lee's Summit West, Ray-Pec, Lee's Summit North and Liberty as they compete representing the KC area at State this weekend. Also, best of luck to Park Bryant and Brady Jacobs from the PHS Boys team as they compete in the State meet this weekend. The boys run at 10:45 in Jefferson City. To see their results click here:
Coach Huff and I very proud of the team and all of their hard work this season (ALL of you!) We would have never had a Sectional Qualifying team if it were not for the dedication and hard work of each and every one of the athletes. Special thanks to the following girls who came out to support the Sectional race: Kyla Henderson, Jane Jackson, Diane-Jo Bart-Plange, Evan and Dana Willsey, Kierstie Bischoff, Shanelle Kudera and Maggi Wolfe. We know not everyone could make it but thanks to these girls for getting up early on yet another Saturday morning!
Tomorrow (November 4th) is the LAST DAY TO TURN IN UNIFORMS!!!! Turn in uniforms and warm-ups in Coach Huff's room (E109) at the end of the day Tuesday. We will also ask all athletes to fill out their end of the season evaluation.
Beginning next week and through the Winter break, we will meet and run as a group after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These are optional workouts but a great way to stay in shape for spring sports. We will meet in the hall by the locker rooms. All athletes are welcomed to attend - not just returning CC athletes! Track conditioning will start in January after the Winter Break.
Thanks again to all of the parents for all of their support this season - we could have never done this without you!!!
Coach Lerch