Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Runs...

Please remember: summer runs will continue throughout the summer each week Monday - Thursday. Calendars are available from Lakeview Middle School or from Coach Lerch at any summer run meeting day. For the rest of this week, June 30-July 2nd: Tuesday - Walden at the clubhouse, Wednesday - Missouri Riverfront Trail, Thursday - Thousand Oaks at the "new pool". Next week, July 6th - 9th: Monday English Landing Park, Tuesday - Park Hill South, Wednesday - Park University Nature Sanctuary, Thursday - Missouri Riverfront Trail. Please e-mail or call with any questions about summer running. Coach Huff and I are once again pleased with the number of girls we ahve running each morning but we know there are faces we have yet to see! It is never too late to start, so see you soon!!!!!
Coach Lerch