Friday, September 20, 2013

Platte City Results

Yesterday's race proves that CC is not for the weak at heart. With its rolling hills and the added bonus of wind and heat, Platte City bring out the toughness in each runner. Thank you to all those who helped us clear our tent area and helped the team get on the bus safely and quickly.

Here are results from yesterday's race:
Varsity - Team finished 2nd!!!
The following 7 athletes will run varsity at Grandview on 9/26
Jasmine: 21:34.3
Lexi 21:34.5
Erin 22:38
Erica 22:46
Madi 24:04
Kallen 25:14
Griffin 25:46

JV - Team finished 4th!!!
Astrid - 25:37 - Varsity at Grandview
Nicole 25:38 - Varsity at Grandview
Riley 25:44 - Varsity at Grandview

The following athletes will run JV at Grandview
Margaret 27:08
Morgan 27:19
Mariah 27:23
Michaela 27:33
Nicole 28:09
Lauren 28:28
Olivia V. 29:47
Olivia M. 29:43
Maggie 30:32
Madi 30:51
Emily A
Maddie C
Maddi H
Emily W
Managers/coming back from injury: Olivia O, Raven, Danielle, Sophie

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ray Pec Results

Congratulations to all of our runners on their first 5K this weekend at the stacked Ray-Pec Invitational. This course gives us an excellent preview of the city championships on October 5th, and of the Sectional Meet on November 2nd. For official results of all races, please check here

This week, we head to Platte Co for their invitational on Thursday. There will be three races. The Varsity race and the JV race are 5K races. The C team race is a 2 mile course.

Below are the results from Ray Pec and our entries into Thursday's races:

Varsity -
Jasmine (7th place Varsity/Top Freshman) 19:50
Lexi (8th place Varsity/2nd Freshman) 19:51
Erica 21:22
Erin 22:26
Madi 22:48
Griffin 23:35
Kallen 23:10

Allison 23:38
Nicole G. 23:$5
Riley 23:47
Charlie 24:17
Astrid 24:21
Margaret 25:19
Michalea 25:51
Maddi H. 26:01
Morgan 26:24
Mariah 26:45
Nicole L. 26:57
Olivia V. 28:02
Abby 28:38
Madi W. 30:06
Lauren R.
Olivia M.

C Team
Sara 29:02
Maddie C. 30:45
Emily 32:34
Carolyn 33:04
Anna 34:10
Emily W.

Managers: Raven, Olivia O., Sophie

Coach Jurgensmeyer