Thursday, July 23, 2009

Last Week of Summer Runs

The week of July 27th -30th is our last week of summer morning runs before we take 1 week off and then start practice on August 10th. Monday, July 27th we are at Riss Lake, Tuesday @ Walden Clubhouse, Wednesday @ the MO Riverfront Trail. The weather is unseasonably cool so come out and enjoy it with us! Thursday we are at Gladstone Bowl at 6:45 PM!! Thursday night's run is a 6 mile run targeted toward the athletes who have been meeting and running ALL summer. After the run, they will be treated to Maggie Moos ice cream for all of their hard work and dedication this summer. August 4th, KC Sports Medicine Metro Walk Run will host Park Hill South Cross Country night from 6-8 pm. If athletes need a new pair of running shoes, this is a great place to go to get fitted by experienced and knowledgeable runners. Sunday, August 9th is the Race for the Cure at Union Station in downtown KC. This is a huge race for an excellent cause and - it is the LAST 5K high school CC runners can compete in prior to the season starting. Registration is online at or on August 7th at Dick's Sporting Goods in Zona Rosa from 10am-8pm. Practice starts August 10th! ALL athletes need to have their physicals completed AND turned in PRIOR to participating in ANY practice. NO ONE will be allowed to practice without a completed physical. We expect ALL athletes to be at ALL practice unless we hear from that specific athlete. If you have any conflicts with practice you NEED to call Coach Lerch or e-mail her with the dates and times of practice conflicts. It is highly important that we start the season off right as a TEAM! See you soon!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Coach Lerch