Monday, August 8, 2011

CC Day 1

Good afternoon CC parents!

We had 37 girls at practice this morning with their physicals turned in and ready to go! I apologize to those who were told they couldn't run, but we cannot allow runners to practice without a physical now that practice has officially begun. Please make sure your daughter brings her physical with her to practice as soon as it is completed!
I am sending a few other forms home that also need to be completed.

1. The first attachment is a baseline concussion from, REQUIRED by MSHSAA for all athletes. We have to have a baseline on all athletes prior to competition. I know most of the girls have never had a concussion, so please just fill out the form stating 0, or no symptoms. If your daughter has had a concussion, please include the date of the injury. I sent copies home with many of the girls and appreciate getting these back as soon as possible.

2. The second attachment is an outline of things covered at the parent meeting last week. This attachment is just FYI.

3. The third attachment is a running off campus form we need on file for each athlete. I will send copies home tonight as well for those athletes who have not turned this in as of this morning. If you have a new e-mail you'd like me to use, please make sure to note that on the form as well.

4. The last attachment is again, an FYI - the CC calendar. I have hard copies of the August/September calendar that I can give to your athlete if she asks for one at practice.

All athletes need to pay a $45.00 participation fee for sports. This fee covers all sports and is a yearly fee. Please send this payment ASAP. checks can be made out to Park Hill South.

I will send attachments later this week with the t-shirt order form and PDFs of what the shirts look like, as well as order forms for Photo Cds.

This morning's weather was perfect and we really enjoyed the cooler temperatures. Please make sure your daughter continues to hydrate plenty and brings a water bottle to practice each day. I highly suggest you write your last name on the bottle as well.

We will meet at PHS tonight at 6:15pm and will be done at 7:30. It is wise for your daughter to eat something before coming to run. I suggest something light (sandwich, yogurt, cereal) vs. something heavy (steak and potatoes) and I would eat around 5:00-5:30.

Tomorrow morning, we will meet at 6:15 am and be done by 7:30. Please make sure to arrive on time so we can be done on time as well. As of now, we will practice tomorrow evening at 6:15. If it does warm up, I will send an e-mail to you by 2:00pm to let you know if practice has been cancelled. I will also send a text message to the athletes. The remainder of the week, we will practice from 6:15-7:30 am. Saturday morning, we will meet at Lakeview Middle School at 6:30 am and practice until 8:00am.

Coach Jurgensmeyer