Saturday, September 20, 2008

This week in Cross Country

This week will be much more relaxed than last week and I hope ALL of our runners will get some MUCH needed rest! Monday we will travel to Riss Lake to get in a long run and return to school by5:00. Tuesday, we are going to travel to Lakeview Middle School to meet their running club and get in a short workout with them, followed by a longer workout of our own. Tuesday evening we will be back to school by 4:45. Wednesday will be a short practice day and our team picture day. ALL athletes need to bring their team uniforms to school Wednesday. All runners who have run in a meet will wear the team tank and shorts and all runners who have not yet run in a meet will wear our team warmups. I will send home picture envelopes on Monday. Exact change or check to order pictures is required on Wednesday. All athletes MUST be in the team picture but ordering pictures is optional. We will be finished with practice by 4:00 Wednesday and athletes can go and enjoy the pasta party at the Norfleet house after practice. Sophomores need to bring a dessert to share at the pasta party. The pasta party is hosted by the Moyes, Clifford, Norfleet, Lohnes and McFarlane families. Thursday, 17 runners will go and run at the Grandview Invitational (Please see Joplin Stampede post for a list of athletes running). JV will run at 4:00 and Varsity will run at 5:00. Thursday's snack bags are will be provided by the Kafka and Black families. The remainder of the team will have practice Thursday on campus. Friday morning we will ALL practice at 9:00 at English Landing Park. Saturday should be a rest/recovery day. Saturday is also the 1st annual PHSHS "fun run" for our young running community. There will be open races for young runners in Grades K-8. Races all take place at the District Footall Stadium, beginning at 9:30 and ending at 11:30, with race lengths varying by age group. Sunday should be a day for cross training. Our whole team will be running in the KC Metro City Championships on October 4th at Ray Pec.
Coach Lerch

South Shows up at Stampede

We made a safe and fast trip to Joplin today and turned in great times. Over 600 girls ran in the high school division, with the team placing 21 out of 40 teams in the High School Division I group. Meet results can be found at
Overall, the day was much warmer than the Stampede last year but the team still did well and is growing stronger as the season progresses.ALL 16 athletes ran faster than they did Monday at Ray Pec-not bad for the 2nd 5K in less than 1 week!!! Way to go ladies! Also, thank you for being on time this morning and keeping the bus trip enjoyable! Thanks to the Kissee family for providing snack bags on this trek to Joplin. Pictures will be uploaded soon..but for now...times are as follows:
Miranda Norfleet - 21:01:09
Katy Riojas - 21:05
Jeanie Lohnes - 21:30
Katy Lindsey - 21: 31
Logan Tucker-Nelson - 21:42
Lauren Black - 21:48.8
Amy Willsey - 22:05
Emily Kissee - 22:13
Amy Sickman - 22:33
Jessica Newsom - 22:34
Kyla Henderson - 23:16
Evan Willsey - 23:17
Crissy Lueth - 23:27
Abby Werner - 23:28
Miranda Henderson - 23:30
Kierstie Bischoff - 23:42
These athletes as well as Maggi Wolfe and Ellie Link will run in the Grandview invitational on Thursday evening.
Coach Lerch

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Congratulations to our JV team as they took hope another first place victory at the Platte County Invitation tonight. Medal winners were: Maggi Wolfe, Ellie Link, Jessica Froude, Jane Jackson, Justine Froude and Tedi Sanchez. Way to go girls!!!! What an excellent way to conquer an EXTREMELY difficult course!!!! Also, we want to commend these girls for their attitudes even after being "snubbed" at the awards ceremony. The team envelope was misplaced but quickly found AFTER Coach Huff talked to the meet officials. Thanks for keeping your heads held high and positively representing our school at all times. That positive attitude makes the victory even sweeter. Also, great efforts today after a hard week with two races within 4 days. Enjoy your Saturday and SLEEP IN!!! You deserve it!!!
Times for the team were:
Maggi Wolfe - 24:34
Ellie Link - 25:09
Jessica Froude - 25:30
Jane Jackson - 26:29
Justine Froude - 26:29:95
Tedi Sanchez - 27:01
Mackenzie Kafka - 27:57
Emily Jimenez - 28:19
Hannah Carlson - 28:23
Chloe Guardado - 29:23
Jessica Waddle - 29:27
Molly Reinmueth - 29:34
Carissa Belcher 29:37
Ashley Miller - 30:42
Allyse Edwards - 31:45
Lauren Gonner - 32:19

Thanks to the Jimenez and Werner families for the snack bags at this meet. Also thanks to the Riojas family for hosting the pasta party last night and all of the work the Riojas, Jimenez, Waddle and WEErner families did in getting ALL that food ready for our BIG group. Thank you! You are making us happy and fast with all of this good racing fuel!!!

Coach Lerch

Updated Stampede Schedule

The Joplin Stampede has divided the high school races into two divisions. Our girls will still race @ 10:45 but our boys will now race @ 12:10. Due to this time change, I do not anticipate us returning to school until 5:00pm on Saturday. To see the schedule, directions and meet information, please click on the link:
All athletes traveling to Joplin need to remmber to bring an extra change of clothes, a pillow and/or blanket for the bus ride and plenty of food and water. We will stop on the way home to eat lunch, so athletes also need to bring money for lunch. All athletes need to be on the bus and ready to go at 5:15 Saturday morning - yea!

Coach Lerch

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ray Pec Invitational - JV 1st Place, Varsity 2nd Place!

Well, we now have our first 5K race under our belts and we came out with a good showing. Our Varisty team finished in 2nd place and our Junior Varsity team won first place! Congratulations goes out to medal winners, all in the Junior Varsity Race: Katy Riojas- 1st place, Katy Lindsey - 3rd place, Jessica Newsom, Evan Willsey, Kyla Henderson, Miranda Henderson, Crissy Lueth, Kierstie Bischoff, Abby Werner and Maggi Wolfe. Special Thanks to meet managers: Rachel Norfleet, Taylor Breen, Audrey McCalley and Dana Willsey. Also, thanks to the Miller and Riojas families for the yummy snack bags!

Times from Ray Pec Invitational – September 15, 2008
Runners 1-16 will run Joplin Saturday, September 20
Bus leaves Park Hill South @ 5:15 a.m!!!
1. Katy Riojas – 22:11
2. Jeanie Lohnes – 22:29
3. Miranda Norfleet – 22:31
4. Amy Willsey – 22:39
5. Katy Lindsey – 22:43
6. Logan Tucker- Nelson – 22:46
7. Lauren Black – 23:20
8. Jessica Newsom – 23:32
9. Amy Sickman – 23:50
10. Evan Willsey – 23:55
11. Kyla Henderson – 24:00
12. Miranda Henderson – 24:00.01
13. Crissy Lueth – 24:06
14. Kierstie Bischoff – 24:10
15. Abby Werner – 24:11
16. Emily Kissee – 24:30
Meet managers - Lauren Kuhn, Rachel Houston, Dana Willsey

Runners 17-39 will run Platte City Thursday @ 5:00
Meet Managers: Lauren Kuhn, Emily Moyes, Jillian McDaniel, Katy Russell
Athletes will get out of class @ 2:15, leave school @ 2:35. All runners race JV Race.
17. Maggie Wolfe – 24:30:01
18. Ellie Link – 24:32
19. Jessica Froude – 25:01
20. Alison Childers – 25:51
21. Justine Froude – 26:25
22. Mackenzie Kafka – 26:47
23. Hannah Carlson – 27:16
24. Tedi Sanchez – 27:19
25. Molly Reinmueth – 27:41
26. Jane Jackson – 28:05
27. Jenna Allison – 28:06
28. Jessica Waddle – 28:18
29. Chloe Guardado – 28:46
30. Carissa Belcher – 29:31
31. Lauren Rittman – 29:33
32. Rachel Houston – 29:33.01
33. Shanelle Kudera – 29:57
34. Ashley Miller – 30:01
35. Brittany Walker – 30:14
36. Allyse Edwards – 31:05
37. Lauren Gonner – 31:26
38. Maisie Baldwin – 32:07
39. Diane Jo Bart Plange – 36:01
40. Emily Jimenez,

Coach Lerch

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Busy Week

I hope you have all dried out after the weather we have been experiencing. Thank you for your flexibility this weekend with the meet being postponed and us having practice Saturday morning. Coach Huff and I were very impressed with the girls Saturday morning as no one - NOT ONE girl complained about practicing or running in the rain (again). That really shows us that the girls know what they need to do to be prepared for meets and that they are ready to run in all conditions which is so important in the fabulous sport! Thank you for instilling this level of dedication, determination and work ethic in your daughters. We also had a great time relaxing after our run at Panera.

With the postponement of the meet, each girl will be running in 2 races this week. I have attached directions and information to all 3 meets we have this week. We will run as a full team Monday at Ray Pec. After Ray Pec, the top 16 fastest runners will run at the Missouri Southern Stampede on Saturday. The rest of the team will run in the JV race at the Platte City invite on Thursday at 5:00. Tomorrow, (Monday) we will leave school at 2:30. This means that the entire team will need to leave their classes at 2:00. The girls running at Platte City will also leave school early on Thursday (they will leave class at 2:15 Thursday.) The girls are responsible for any work they miss in class. Their teachers will receive e-mails informing them of the team leaving. I know that this is in conflict with academic awards that start at 7:00 at PHS. If you are going to try to make it back for awards, the best bet will be to come to the meet and sign your daughter out to ride home with you and go straight to awards.

The pasta party this week is Wednesday evening at the Riojas home, hosted by the Waddles, Werners, Jimenez and Riojas families. Freshmen need to bring a dessert to share. Sophomores and Juniors need to bring a 6 pack of water each. Snack bags for Ray Pec Will be provided by the Riojas and Miller families. Platte City snack bags will be provided by the Jimenez and Werner families and the Snack bags for Joplin will be provided by the Kissee family. I will send out a list tomorrow night of who is running in which race for Thursday and Saturday.

Next week, we have team pictures on Wednesday and a meet Thursday. The meet on Thursday will only be the top 16 runners as Grandview (the hosting school) has decided to limit entries. I hate this but I also see this as some good rest time after this busy week. We will run again as a full team at the KC City Championships on October 4. The girls will need to bring their uniforms to school next Wednesday for team pictures.

Coach Lerch