Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 2 of Summer Runs

The girls enjoyed some very nice, below normal temperatures for our first week of summer runs. Each day, we had 18-22 girls out running - what a great way to start the summer! Next week, we start Monday, June 15th at Riss Lake, Tuesday at Walden, Wednesday at English Landing Park and Thursday at Thousand Oaks. Please see side bar for directions to all meeting spots. It looks like we will be back to normal summer temps by the end of the week, so please remember to hydrate and bring a water bottle to each run. Senior, Dana Willsey, is our Senior Leader of the week. Please remember, summer runs are designed to create endurance training for our athletes so we are ready to go in August. Summer runs ARE NOT designed to test athletes or race them, we simply want to build a nice, strong base before our season starts. We will start out with lower mileage and build as the summer continues but each runner will run at her own pace and build her own mileage. Some runners will start with 1-2 miles and build to 4 and some may start at 4 miles and build to 6-7 miles. So, if you haven't been running- don't worry is the time to start!!!
Once again, please e-mail me or call with any questions you may have! Hope you are enjoying your summer!
Coach Lerch