Saturday, September 27, 2008

This week in Cross Country

This week, we will be a little back to normal with a full week of practice and our entire team participating in the meet this Saturday at Ray Pec for the KC Metro Championships. Monday, we will travel to Park University and return back to school at 5:00. Tuesday is a campus practice, over at 4:30. Wednesday we will travel to the Brookside/Waldo area and run on the Trolley Trail. After our run, we will go and eat at Waldo Pizza. Athletes are asked to bring cash along with them for dinner. I anticipate us returning back to school by 7:00 on Wednesday. Thursday we are back at school for practice, finished at 4:30 and Friday is pre-meet practice at school. The pasta party this week is hosted by the Bischoff and Childers families. I will provide more information on the pasta party later this week. Snack bags this week are provided by the Gonner family and Amy Wilson.
Saturday, we will leave at 6:15am for the KC Metro Championships at Ray Pec. Coaches meeting is at 7:30, 9th and 10th graders run at 8:00, Varsity girls run at 9:30 and Junior Varsity girls run at 10:30. Awards for the top 10 finishes will be awarded at 12:00. ETA back at school, 1:00pm. All runners will run their grade level race UNLESS they are on varsity (Miranda Norfleet, Katy Riojas, Katy Lindsey, Jessica Newsom, Jeanie Lohnes, Lauren Black and Emily Kissee) all 11th and 12th graders will run in the JV race.

Coach Lerch

Friday, September 26, 2008

Results from Grandview Invitational

With a bit warmer temperatures than we are accustomed to, the girls ran strong on a difficult course with a challenging hill seen twice. I found out yesterday that this will be the hosting site for the Sectional meet on the 1st of November so it was great to check it out once before then. Special congrats to Jessica Newsom, Katy Lindsey and Jessica Froude who had outstanding performances individually. Congrats to medal winners: Katy Riojas, Miranda Norfleet, Katy Lindsey, Jeanie Lohnes, Lauren Black and Emily Kissee in the Varsity race and Jessica Newsom, Amy Sickman, Evan Willsey, Jessica Froude, Kyla Henderon and Kierstie Bischoff in the Junior Varsity Race. The Varsity team finished 4th and the JV team finished 3rd. Official results will be posted at a later time but for now, our unofficial results for the team are as follows:
Katy Riojas - 21:44 (10th in the Varsity race)
Miranda Norfleet - 22:09
Katy Lindsey - 22:29
Jessica Newsom - 22:54
Jeanie Lohnes - 23:11
Lauren Black - 23:15
Emily Kissee - 23:20
Amy Sickman - 23:56
Evan Willsey - 24:18
Jessica Foude - 24:19
Kyla Henderson - 24:23
Kierstie Bischoff - 24:28
Abby Werner - 24:35
Maggi Wolfe - 24:37
Ellie Link - 24:43
Miranda Henderson - 25:07
Once again, thanks go out to the Black and Kafka families for providing snack bags and Gatorade. Thanks also to the Norfleets, Lohnes and Moyes families for hosting the pasta party Wednesday evening. My apologies for the LONG directions posted for the meet yesterday. Since we did not go and preview this course, I used the directions provided to us and this was a BIG mistake. I did not hear of anyone getting lost but I do apologize for the directions posted.
Have a great weekend!

Coach Lerch

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Conference Schedule Announced

I know Conference is the week of Homecoming and plans are already being made for dinner, pictures, hair, etc. Please keep this schedule in mind when making Homecoming arrangements.

9:00 - Load Bus
9:15 - Leave School
11:00 – Coaches Meeting
11:30 – Girls Varsity Race
12:00 – Boys Varsity Race
12:30 – JV Girls Race (no seniors)
1:00 – JV Boys Race (no seniors)
1:30 – Freshman Boys and Girls Run Together
2:00 Awards
ETA back at school - 3:30 (guesstimate)
Coach Lerch

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Team Picture Information

Team pictures are WEDNESDAY! All runners need to wear their racing uniforms (tanks and shorts). I will have warmups for runners who do not have their uniforms. Pictures will be immediatly after school at the bronze panther statues in the front of PHS. Prices for pictures are as follows - EXACT change must be present or a check made out to RPG (Reed Portrait Gallery) All taxes are included.

Team Group Pictures:
5x7 - $6.00 each
8x10 - $8.00 each

Individual Pictures:
Two 4x6s- $6.00
Two 5x7s - $10.00
Two 5x7 and 4 wallets - $15.00
One 8x10 and 4 wallets - $15.00
Set of 8 wallets - $10.00
One 8x10 - $12.00

Small Group Pictures
(groups of 2-5 - can be friends, sisters, etc..)
Two 4x6s - $7.00
Two 5x7s - $11.00
Set of 8 Wallets - $12.00
One 8x10 - $13.00

Coach Lerch

Update on Platte County Meet Medals

Our JV girls won this JV meet but we were only provided with enough medals for 3/4 of the JV team. I have been speaking with the hosting school and coach to get medals for the entire JV team that ran at this race. I will have the medals for the remainder of the girls after our KC Metro meet on October 4th. Once again, I would like to thank the girls for their patience and understanding in this matter. We WILL get you your well-deserved medals!

Coach Lerch