Friday, September 26, 2008

Results from Grandview Invitational

With a bit warmer temperatures than we are accustomed to, the girls ran strong on a difficult course with a challenging hill seen twice. I found out yesterday that this will be the hosting site for the Sectional meet on the 1st of November so it was great to check it out once before then. Special congrats to Jessica Newsom, Katy Lindsey and Jessica Froude who had outstanding performances individually. Congrats to medal winners: Katy Riojas, Miranda Norfleet, Katy Lindsey, Jeanie Lohnes, Lauren Black and Emily Kissee in the Varsity race and Jessica Newsom, Amy Sickman, Evan Willsey, Jessica Froude, Kyla Henderon and Kierstie Bischoff in the Junior Varsity Race. The Varsity team finished 4th and the JV team finished 3rd. Official results will be posted at a later time but for now, our unofficial results for the team are as follows:
Katy Riojas - 21:44 (10th in the Varsity race)
Miranda Norfleet - 22:09
Katy Lindsey - 22:29
Jessica Newsom - 22:54
Jeanie Lohnes - 23:11
Lauren Black - 23:15
Emily Kissee - 23:20
Amy Sickman - 23:56
Evan Willsey - 24:18
Jessica Foude - 24:19
Kyla Henderson - 24:23
Kierstie Bischoff - 24:28
Abby Werner - 24:35
Maggi Wolfe - 24:37
Ellie Link - 24:43
Miranda Henderson - 25:07
Once again, thanks go out to the Black and Kafka families for providing snack bags and Gatorade. Thanks also to the Norfleets, Lohnes and Moyes families for hosting the pasta party Wednesday evening. My apologies for the LONG directions posted for the meet yesterday. Since we did not go and preview this course, I used the directions provided to us and this was a BIG mistake. I did not hear of anyone getting lost but I do apologize for the directions posted.
Have a great weekend!

Coach Lerch

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