Saturday, September 27, 2008

This week in Cross Country

This week, we will be a little back to normal with a full week of practice and our entire team participating in the meet this Saturday at Ray Pec for the KC Metro Championships. Monday, we will travel to Park University and return back to school at 5:00. Tuesday is a campus practice, over at 4:30. Wednesday we will travel to the Brookside/Waldo area and run on the Trolley Trail. After our run, we will go and eat at Waldo Pizza. Athletes are asked to bring cash along with them for dinner. I anticipate us returning back to school by 7:00 on Wednesday. Thursday we are back at school for practice, finished at 4:30 and Friday is pre-meet practice at school. The pasta party this week is hosted by the Bischoff and Childers families. I will provide more information on the pasta party later this week. Snack bags this week are provided by the Gonner family and Amy Wilson.
Saturday, we will leave at 6:15am for the KC Metro Championships at Ray Pec. Coaches meeting is at 7:30, 9th and 10th graders run at 8:00, Varsity girls run at 9:30 and Junior Varsity girls run at 10:30. Awards for the top 10 finishes will be awarded at 12:00. ETA back at school, 1:00pm. All runners will run their grade level race UNLESS they are on varsity (Miranda Norfleet, Katy Riojas, Katy Lindsey, Jessica Newsom, Jeanie Lohnes, Lauren Black and Emily Kissee) all 11th and 12th graders will run in the JV race.

Coach Lerch

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