Friday, October 22, 2010

Vaughn's Apple Orchard

Coach Jurgensmeyer

KC Marathon Exchange Zone 1

Coach Jurgensmeyer

This week in CC

Our District meet is this Saturday at Stocksdale Park in Liberty. ALL athletes are invited and welcomed to ride the bus with our athletes participating in the meet. The girls need to be at Park Hill South at 12:30 on Saturday, October 23rd. The bus will leave at 12:45. The Girls Varsity (Lizzy, Hannah, Lauren Blair, Lauren Black, DeDe, Kerry, Anna Schaeffer) will race at 2:30 Boys Varsity races at 3:00 and our alternates (Jessica Hayes, Audrey and Olivia Ortiz) will race at 3:30. I believe we will be back to PHS at 5:00 on Saturday. Once again, there will be a shuttle bus from Schumacher Elementary school to the start of the race at Stocksdale Park. All race fans are asked to park at Schumacher Elementary. Remaining District athletes will have an on campus practice tonight, then a team dinner at Cupini’s in Parkville (we will drive them there), 6am practice tomorrow, Off campus practice Thursday at Stocksdale Park (we will be back by 5pm) and a short practice Friday – finished by 4pm.

Thanks to Tom Black for hosting the Extravaganza this weekend. The girls had a great time and Tom said they helped clean up and made sure they left the clubhouse as they found it. If your daughter is missing a ring, please let me know as the clubhouse manager found one. Thanks to Lee Miller (Olivia’s mom) for staying to help chaperone as well.

The banquet is next Tuesday (October 26th) at 6:00pm. We have 115 people signed up to attend. Please be on time so we can start the banquet on timeJ

Finally, thanks to the 30 girls who volunteered at the Kansas City Marathon on Saturday morning. We had an excellent time! Some of the girls may have pointed out that they did not receive a volunteer shirt. Apparently, the shirts were stolen (?) by another member of the committee. Chuck Manthey, the volunteer coordinator, said they were trying to get more shirts by November 6th. Hopefully, all the girls who volunteered will receive a shirt but if they do not..I am sure they will still walk away from this experience happy. Thanks to Lisa Bischoff, Rosanna Breen and Anne Blair for driving carpools down to the exchange zones.
Coach Jurgensmeyer