Friday, September 11, 2009

Can Success be Measured in Pasta?

THANK YOU to all who helped out, made desserts, purchased tickets and attended the pasta party last night. The team made over $1000!!!! This money will be used for:additional uniforms for next year, banquet plaques, senior gifts and bus trips. Special thanks goes to Brenda Carlson, Jessica Beeson, Bonnie Gomes and Larry and Renae Gonner for giving up their time to help serve. Thanks to Coach Huff and Coach Sanders who got all the food ready to serve and for our team helpers: Maggi Wolfe, Jamie Venzian, Bailey Walter, Elle Henning, Emma Schlagenhauff and Marianne Buckmaster for all of their help getting things ready before the pasta party. What an excellent turnout and great food!!! Thanks to the Seniors who helped serve food and Emma Schlagenhauff, Justine Froude, Chrissy Lueth and Maisie Baldwin who also stuck around and helped serve food.

Big thanks to the Rothers family for all of their help in creating the signs now decorating the school drive. I hope you all had the chance to see them as you left school last night or drove in this morning. They look great and show excellent support for our team!!!

Coach Lerch