Saturday, July 16, 2011

July Notes...

1)Congratulations to Coach Janis Huff on her marriage to Shannon Foster on July 9th! We are looking forward to seeing Coach Foster to hear about the big day!
2)MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! The CC Parent meeting is Wednesday, August 3rd at 6:00 pm in the Park Hill South library. In the meeting, we will collect physical forms, participation fees ($45 per student-this is a 1 time fee that covers sports participation for the year), locker fees ($7.00), t-shirt orders and go over what to expect in the season. We will also have signups for pasta parties and CC meet snacks. I will send out all handouts by August 1st so you can review them prior to the meeting.
3)It’s HOT! Please help us keep the girls safe by making sure they are loading up on water throughout the day. As next week’s heat wave approaches, it is highly important to make sure we are all properly hydrated prior to running each morning. (See links below for hydration tips.) Please also make sure your daughter is bringing a water bottle to each morning run. Please also remind her to avoid wearing black t-shirts until the weather cools down. We will adjust runs each day to make sure the girls are getting water breaks every 1-2 miles.
4)Those that have signed up to volunteer for the Warrior Dash on July 30th will receive more information as the day approaches. Please plan on wearing old tennis shoes and shorts – a t-shirt will be provided when you arrive to volunteer. I will have parking passes next week for those volunteering. All volunteers will have food and water provided by the company, but it is a good idea to bring a back up water bottle. When I receive more information, I will pass it along!
5)Summer running continues! If your daughter has not been running, she needs to start Monday! Please help us make this season successful by encouraging your daughter to join us at summer runs for the remainder of the summer. If she cannot attend summer runs, she needs to be running on her own!!! With the flooding of English Landing Park and the MO Riverfront Trail, we will use our secondary locations for the remainder of the summer. When the summer running calendar says English Landing Park, we will meet at Park Hill South; when the calendar says MO Riverfront Trail, we will meet at Riss Lake.
6)Physicals!!!!! If your daughter hasn’t had her physical completed, please make sure this happens prior to our first day of practice (August 8th). In addition to this year’s physical, each parent must also have their physician fill out the attached concussion form. This is a MSHSAA requirement!
7)SHOES!!! If your daughter needs new running shoes, please make sure she gets them soon! A GOOD pair of running shoes is necessary for running. I encourage ALL athletes to go to one of the following RUNNING Specialty stores to be fitted for proper running shoes. I suggest these stores because the people working there KNOW running. The folks at Garry Gribble’s are some of the most elite runners in the KC area. The great people at Sports Medicine are fellow track and CC coaches and the people at Cycle City also coach and have PHS ties. A good pair of running shoes are the basis of training and can really limit injuries. Tell your daughters that IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW THE SHOES LOOK. Cute shoes are rarely comfortable. We want the girls in shoes that are fit for their feet. A good pair of running shoes might seem expensive in the beginning, but the investment is well worth it! If your family is in a financial tight spot, please talk to me so we can get your daughter a good pair of shoes.
a.Garry Gribble’s Running Sports Tell them you run with PHS and you will receive a 20% discount. Located in Independence, Lawrence, Overland Park and in the Ward Parkway Shopping Center (where the new Trader Joe’s is now open).
b.Sports Medicine Store/Metro Walk and Run Located off of Barry Road near Hobby Lobby
c.Cycle City in Parkville, MO Located near Price Chopper in Parkville
Many parents ask if their daughter needs spikes for racing. This is an added expense that is not for every runner. Many runners enjoy racing in spikes for traction in muddy weather, but others like their training shoes for racing since they usually have better cushioning and support. It is ultimately up to you and your daughter. If your daughter plans to run track, spikes would be a good investment, but are not mandatory. If you are interested in a pair of used spikes, please let me know! One of our athletes would like to sell her barely used, size 8 Asics for $20.
8)I have included many links below that address the most common questions we are asked about XC. Please check out the links for answers to your most pressing XC questions.

Plunging into cross country often creates numerous questions for runners and their parents. Over the years, we have been asked many questions about nutrition, shoes and injuries. In the links below, you can read articles with answers to most of your questions. I've tried to list what each link focuses on, so you can look for answers to YOUR questions. If these links don't answer your questions or you would like more information, please ask!

Nutrition: Answers questions, "What should I eat before I run?" "What should I eat after I run?" "How many calories should I eat" "How much water should I be drinking?" Fueling a Runner...back to school,7120,s6-242-300--14023-0,00.html Beat the heat with cold, healthy foods,7120,s6-242-302--13967-0,00.html Eat your water. Foods that help keep you hydrated.

Common Injuries: Addresses the most common running issues: shin splints, runner's knee, sores muscles and what to do when your daughter is hurting. For Parents..when is it time to call the coach? Tips for parents who are runners themselves.

Shoe Buying: Training shoes vs. racing shoes.

Coach Jurgensmeyer