Thursday, October 1, 2009

Banquet Information

We are very pleased to announce the new location of our banquet at the National Golf Course. This will allow us more room and a broader menu choice. Banquet cost is $13 per person. I need all the money by Friday, October 16th. We will have a team meeting Friday, October 16th at 7:00am in Coach Huff's room (E109). Athletes can turn their money for the banquet in at this meeting AND atheltes volunteering at the marathon on Saturday, October 17th will also be given their t-shirts for volunteering. Checks for the banquet can be made to Park Hill South. The school will then pay the National. The banquet is Tuesday, October 27th at 6:00pm. Athletes are encouraged to dress up. The banquet IS optional but it is a great way to celebrate our excellent season and to send our seniors off in style.

Banquet Menu October 27, 2009
House Made Rolls
American Field Green Salad
with Hearts of Romaine Lettuce, Mixed Field Greens and Spinach with Carrots, Tomatoes, Croutons Servied with Assorted Dressings, Berry Vinaigrette, White Balsamic Vinaigrette,
and Buttermilk Ranch
Chef's Vegetables
Thin Green Beans and Carrots
Fresh Yukon Whipped Potatoes
Chicken Marsala
Pan-Seared Chicken Breast with Marsala Wine Demi-Gloss and Mixed Mushrooms
Roasted Boneless Pork Loin
New York Style Cheesecake Bites

Coach Lerch

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Every Drop Counts...

The STUCO Blood Drive is Friday, October 9th. We believe this is a very worthwhile event and a great way to give back to our community but....NOT this time. Please remind your athletes that they should NOT sign up for the blood drive on the 9th of October. Since we have our conference meet on the 10th, all athletes need to be 100% healthy and strong for their races. We realize that blood donation does not usually produce any negative side effects in most givers but we don't want to run any risks. There will be another blood drive in the spring and all athletes are encouraged to donate, with parental permission. Thank you for being understanding!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Tomorrow night is our run on the Trolley Trail and our team dinner at Waldo Pizza. All athletes are asked to bring $5.00 to cover the cost of dinner. This will be our pasta party for this week. ALL runners are running their grade level race with a few exceptions. Your daughter will tell you which race she is running and the time (please see times for races in the previous post.) We have no pasta party for Conference OR Districts scheduled. Please check your calendars and see if you are available to host or help out at a pasta party and let me know ASAP.
Dates to add or change to your October Calendar:
October 6th -
Tuesday we will go ont he bus to Lakeview Middle school to run with their after school running club. We normally run on campus on Tuesdays but feel this is an important time to get the middle school students interested in running. We will be back to school by 4:30
October 10th -
Conference meet in SMITHVILLE (not Stocksdale park as originally stated in the October calendar). times will be sent ASAP. This will be our last meet as an entire team of 52. October 10th is also the EXTRAVAGANZA at the Willsey's house. More information on this will be sent out soon. It is an overnight get together and the whole team is invited. Each grade will be asked to bring food to help out.
October 17th -
KC Marathon Volunteering. Most of our team has volunteered to help out at the KC Marathon again this year. This is an excellent opportunity to see runners of all shapes, sizes and abilities compete in the half marathon, marathon or marathon relay. Once again, more information will be sent out as this date draws near.
Our Banquet will be the week of October 26-29th but I am waiting to hear confirmation.
A new October Calendar will be sent home with the athletes as soon as I get a banquet date confirmed.
Thanks for your patience!

Coach Lerch

Monday, September 28, 2009


This week, we head back to Ray Pec to see how much faster we can run than on the 12th of September. EVERYONE who is healthy enough to race will run! This is a huge race and schools from the KS and MO side will be represented. I anticipate that all runners will run their race according to their grade level. Our JV team will consist of all juniors and seniors not running varsity. Varsity for KC METRO - Miranda N, Lizzy, Lauran B, Jessica H, Kerry, Audrey, Ellie Link.
Bus leaves at 6:15
Coaches meeting - 7:30
9th/10th GRADE GIRLS: 8:00
9th/10th boys 8:45
Varsity boys - 10:00
Junior Varsity boys - 11:15
AWARDS -12:00
ETA back at School - 1:30
There is no pasta party scheduled this week. We will use our trip to Waldo Pizza on Wednesday as our pasta party. Snack bags this week: Shanelle's mom and Marianne's mom.

Coach Lerch