Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Runs End

After a very successful summer running program, the 25 regular runners were treated to breakfast at Corner Cafe. Thanks to all the girls for waking up early all summer. You make the mornings start out right!
Our cross country parent meeting is August 4th at 6:00pm in the Park Hill South library. Parents can meet the coaches and hear more about the team and expectations at this time. Parents are also encouraged to bring participation fees, locker fees and completed physical forms at this time.
ALL athletes MUST have a completed physical turned in to Coach (Lerch) Jurgensmeyer by our first practice on August 9th. August/September calendars will be available for pickup at the parent meeting on August 4th. Athletes who ran this summer already received this calendar. We will practice August 9th at 6:30 am at Park Hill South and at 6:30pm at English Landing Park. The same practice times will apply to Tuesday, August 10th. August 11th-13th and the 16th will be morning practice ONLY. Please be ON TIME! Your coaches have meetings that start at 8:00am and cannot be late.
Please e-mail me if you have any questions. I will also be at ALL enrollment times on the 4th and 5th if you would like to ask me then. I will be in the counseling center.
Enjoy your LAST week of summer vacation!

Coach Jurgensmeyer