Monday, October 6, 2014

KC METRO Varsity Places 3rd, JV places 5th, 10th grade 1st, 9th grade 7th

For official results

Varsity Race 3rd of 24 teams (Will race Varsity at Conference)

Lexi - 19.17.5
Emma 19.49.6
Marti 20.11.8
Keely - 21.02
Erin - 21.12

JV Race 5th of 16 teams  - (All girls will race JV at conference unless noted)
Margaret 22.44 (will race Varsity at conference)
Astrid 22.53
Amanda 23.24
Sophie 23.41
Sydney 23.42
Griffin 24.19.4
Reyna 24.19.9
Claire 24.51
Maddie C 28.28
Charlie 28.34
Maggie 28.49
Nicole L 29.42
Emily A 31.00

10th grade Race 1st PLACE!!! YAHOO!! Will race JV at conference
Riley 22.43
Mallory 22.51
Mariah 23.06
Nicole G 23.10
Morgan 23.30
Kallen 24.32
Sara 27.27

9th Grade 7th out of 10 Will race 9th grade race at conference
Taylor 23.52
Audrey 24.00
Ava 24.31
Raquel 24.44
Lauren 25.28
Cali 26.58
Hunyee 26.59
Lindsey 27.51
Sarah 28.51
Vanessa 29.12
Amatullah 31.02

Coach Jurgensmeyer