Monday, October 5, 2009

KC METRO Results

Congratulations to the team on a much better showing of speed at Ray Pec. Some girls knocked over 3 minutes off of their previous times on this course! WOWZA! What an excellent confidence boost this is as we head into the Conference meet! The Conference meet will be Saturday, October 10th at Smith's Fork Park in Smithville. This is our last race as a complete team of 52! Saturday night is the Extravaganza at the Willsey's. Athletes were sent home with information on what they need to bring for the Extravaganza. Included on the information sheet is the home phone number of Mike and Kris Willsey (Amy Dana and Evan's parents and brave hosts of this 52 girl-sleepover.)

Conference meet Schedule -
8:00 coaches meeting
8:30 Girls Varsity (Our top 7 PLUS ALL Seniors)
9:00 Boys Varsity
9:30 JV Girls
10:15 JV Boys
11:00 9th Grade Girls
11:45 - 9th grade Boys
Awards 12:45-1:15
Back at school by 2:00
Practice thsi week - Monday - Park University- home by 5:00, Tuesday - Lakeview Middle School - home by 4:30, Wednesday - Weston Bend State Park and Vaughn's Apple Orchard - home by 7:00 (athletes can bring $$$ for snacks at the apple orchard. We also vote on banquet awards at this time.) Thursday - on campus 4:30, Friday - short practice - 4:00. Jurries and Wolfes are on the schedule for snack bags this week.

Congratulations to our medal winners: Lizzy Jurries, DeDe O'Toole, Miranda Henderson, Anna Gomes and Erin Ringer. Thanks to the Buckmasters, Wilsons and Walsh families for the snack bags this week.

Lizzy Jurries - 19:54 KC METRO Medal winner- Varsity
Miranda Norfleet - 21:27
DeDe O'Toole 22:24 KC METRO Medal Winner - JV
Lauren Black - 22:29
Jessica Hayes - 22:35
Kerry Maas - 22:44
Kierstie Bischoff - 23:29
Miranda Henderson - 23:33 - KC METRO Medal Winner - 10th grade
Ellie Link 23:35
Audrey Rothers - 23:37
Amy Willsey - 23:42
Evan Willsey - 23:49
Anna Schaeffer - 23:54
Justine Froude - 24:15
Anna Gomes - 24:30 - KC METRO Medal Winner - 1oth grade
Erin Ringer - 24:37 - KC METRO Medal Winner - 10th grade
Hanna Walsh - 24:37
Hannah Carlson - 24:41
Kelsey Sadler - 25:04
Maggi Wolfe - 25:11
Dana Willsey - 25:45
Bailey Walter - 25:49
Jenna Allison - 25:56
Jamie Venzian - 26:00
Jane Jackson - 26:25
Laura Sickman - 26:41
Hailey Stout - 26:49
Jessica Waddle - 26:52
Lauren Rittman - 26:56
Maisie Baldown - 26:57
Jodi Hall- 27:22
Elle Henning 27:23
Allyse Edwards - 27:33
Shanelle Kudera- 27:52
Ashley Miller - 28:04
Carley Eslick - 28:25
Kelly Bowen - 28:33
Marianne Buckmaster - 29:01
Lauren Gonner - 30:26
Brooke Ruby - 31:34
Rachel Schisler - 32:06
Karlie Bischoff - 34:13
Katie Stezler - 34:04
Taylor Breen - 35:33
Thanks to Abby Werner, Chrissy Lueth and Emma Schlangenhauff for coming along to help out and cheer on their teammates! Monday - the girls should wear their new team shirts to school! Wednesday is Coach Huff's birthday!!!
After this week, the top 12 athletes will remain as our varsity and alternates for Districts on the 24th. At the District meet, we must place in the top 4 to move on to the Sectional meet as a team. Individuals can also move on to the Sectional meet - they must place in the top 30 to move on. The same rules apply for the Sectional meet in order to make it to State : top 30 individuals/top 4 teams. Best of luck! We are really proud of you!

Coach Lerch

Varsity Photos

Coach Lerch

JV Photos

Coach Lerch

And they're off....

From the top...Start of the Varsity Race, Start of the 9th/10th grade race and the start of the JV Race.

Coach Lerch

9th and 10th Grade Race Photos

Coach Lerch