Thursday, August 6, 2009

Practice Starts Soon!!!

Practice starts August 10th! ALL athletes need to have their physicals completed AND turned in PRIOR to participating in ANY practice. NO ONE will be allowed to practice without a completed physical. We expect ALL athletes to be at ALL practice unless we hear from that specific athlete or parent. If you have any conflicts with practice you NEED to call Coach Lerch or e-mail her with the dates and times of practice conflicts. It is highly important that we start the season off right as a TEAM! Our first practice is August 10th from 6:30-8:00 at Park Hill South on the track. Monday night, practice is from 6:30-8:00 pm at English Landing Park. Meet on the basketball court behind the restrooms. Tuesday and Wednesday practices will be at the same times and locations as Monday's practices. Thursday and Friday, we will practice at 6:30 am ONLY at Park Hill South. Come to practice with a water bottle and in appropriate clothing. Running clothes can be expensive so try looking at Marshall's for cheaper Nike clothing and check out Target for their sports bras, tanks and shorts. Shop August 7th-9th and receive the tax free beneifts! See you soon!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Coach Lerch