Saturday, September 20, 2008

This week in Cross Country

This week will be much more relaxed than last week and I hope ALL of our runners will get some MUCH needed rest! Monday we will travel to Riss Lake to get in a long run and return to school by5:00. Tuesday, we are going to travel to Lakeview Middle School to meet their running club and get in a short workout with them, followed by a longer workout of our own. Tuesday evening we will be back to school by 4:45. Wednesday will be a short practice day and our team picture day. ALL athletes need to bring their team uniforms to school Wednesday. All runners who have run in a meet will wear the team tank and shorts and all runners who have not yet run in a meet will wear our team warmups. I will send home picture envelopes on Monday. Exact change or check to order pictures is required on Wednesday. All athletes MUST be in the team picture but ordering pictures is optional. We will be finished with practice by 4:00 Wednesday and athletes can go and enjoy the pasta party at the Norfleet house after practice. Sophomores need to bring a dessert to share at the pasta party. The pasta party is hosted by the Moyes, Clifford, Norfleet, Lohnes and McFarlane families. Thursday, 17 runners will go and run at the Grandview Invitational (Please see Joplin Stampede post for a list of athletes running). JV will run at 4:00 and Varsity will run at 5:00. Thursday's snack bags are will be provided by the Kafka and Black families. The remainder of the team will have practice Thursday on campus. Friday morning we will ALL practice at 9:00 at English Landing Park. Saturday should be a rest/recovery day. Saturday is also the 1st annual PHSHS "fun run" for our young running community. There will be open races for young runners in Grades K-8. Races all take place at the District Footall Stadium, beginning at 9:30 and ending at 11:30, with race lengths varying by age group. Sunday should be a day for cross training. Our whole team will be running in the KC Metro City Championships on October 4th at Ray Pec.
Coach Lerch

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