Friday, October 22, 2010

Vaughn's Apple Orchard

Coach Jurgensmeyer

KC Marathon Exchange Zone 1

Coach Jurgensmeyer

This week in CC

Our District meet is this Saturday at Stocksdale Park in Liberty. ALL athletes are invited and welcomed to ride the bus with our athletes participating in the meet. The girls need to be at Park Hill South at 12:30 on Saturday, October 23rd. The bus will leave at 12:45. The Girls Varsity (Lizzy, Hannah, Lauren Blair, Lauren Black, DeDe, Kerry, Anna Schaeffer) will race at 2:30 Boys Varsity races at 3:00 and our alternates (Jessica Hayes, Audrey and Olivia Ortiz) will race at 3:30. I believe we will be back to PHS at 5:00 on Saturday. Once again, there will be a shuttle bus from Schumacher Elementary school to the start of the race at Stocksdale Park. All race fans are asked to park at Schumacher Elementary. Remaining District athletes will have an on campus practice tonight, then a team dinner at Cupini’s in Parkville (we will drive them there), 6am practice tomorrow, Off campus practice Thursday at Stocksdale Park (we will be back by 5pm) and a short practice Friday – finished by 4pm.

Thanks to Tom Black for hosting the Extravaganza this weekend. The girls had a great time and Tom said they helped clean up and made sure they left the clubhouse as they found it. If your daughter is missing a ring, please let me know as the clubhouse manager found one. Thanks to Lee Miller (Olivia’s mom) for staying to help chaperone as well.

The banquet is next Tuesday (October 26th) at 6:00pm. We have 115 people signed up to attend. Please be on time so we can start the banquet on timeJ

Finally, thanks to the 30 girls who volunteered at the Kansas City Marathon on Saturday morning. We had an excellent time! Some of the girls may have pointed out that they did not receive a volunteer shirt. Apparently, the shirts were stolen (?) by another member of the committee. Chuck Manthey, the volunteer coordinator, said they were trying to get more shirts by November 6th. Hopefully, all the girls who volunteered will receive a shirt but if they do not..I am sure they will still walk away from this experience happy. Thanks to Lisa Bischoff, Rosanna Breen and Anne Blair for driving carpools down to the exchange zones.
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Coach Jurgensmeyer

Pictures from Conference

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Friday, October 8, 2010

Conference Champs!

Varsity Brings home the Conference Plaque...
Mighty Seniors one more time...

The JV race....

JV huddle

Happy Birthday, Coach Huff!
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Conference Champs...Booyah

What an AMAZING night in Grain Valley! CONGRATULATIONS to Park Hill South
First-Team All-Conference: Lizzy Jurries (3rd) & Hannah Carlson (5th).
Second-Team All-Conference: Kerry Mass (10th), Lauren Blair (11th), Dede O’Toole (12th) & Anna Schaffer (14th).
Medallist: Lauren Black (15th).

First-Team All-Conference: James Bowlin (1st), Tim Albright (6th).
Second-Team All-Conference: Mitchell McDonald (10th), Jude Pierre (12th).
Medallist: Peter Thomas (19th).
Nick Carleton (21st) and Barrett Hudson (24th).

The JV teams also took first place. The girls with a perfect score of 15 and the boys with a near perfect score of 17.

Lizzy Jurries - 21:14 - District Varsity
Hannah Carlson - 21:57 District Varsity
Kerry Maas - 22:32 - District Varsity
Lauren Blair - 22:36 District Varsity
DeDe O'Toole - 22:41 - District Varsity
Anna Schaeffer - 22:44 - District Varsity
Lauren Black - 22:46 - District Varsity
Bailey Thompson - JV Champ - 1st place 22:35 - District Alternate
Olivia Ortiz - 3rd place JV - 22:48 - District Alternate
Dara Weatherford - 4th place - 23:11 - Disrict Alternate
Jessica Hayes - 5th place 23:16 - District Alternate
Audrey Rothers - 6th place - - 23:24 - District Alternate
Ellie Link - 7th place - 23:27
Sam Carpenter - 8th place - 23:27
Erin Ringer - 9th place - 23:58
Raeyln Morris - 10th place - 24:20
Katie Leetz - 11th place - 24:40
Amanda Smith - 12th place - 24:50
Jenna Allison - 13th place - 25:17
Maggi Wolfe - 14th place - 25:22
Raven Jennings - 25:23
Danielle Black - 25:31
Abby Werner - 25:54
Justine Froude - 26:03
Laura Sickman - 26:08
Hanna Walsh - 26:22
Olivia Miller - 26:09
Becca Herrera - 26:30
Anna Gomes - 26:38
Carley Eslick - 26:56
Maisie Baldwin - 27:56
Jessica Waddle - 28:11
Madi Keller - 28:17
Ashley Miller - 28:28
Ashley Timmerman - 28:38
Rachel Schisler - 28:53
Madi Wellman - 28:54
Tara Evans - 29:05
Maddie Henning - 29:29
Kelsey Hamilton - 29:48
Shanelle Kudera - 29:52
Libby Verner - 30:33
Karlie Bischoff - 32:37
Kate Everly - 34:14
Taylor Breen - 35:25

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Monday, October 4, 2010

Conference Times

Conference is THURSDAY at Crooked Creek Park in Grain Valley, MO
Race timess are as follows:
Leave class @ 2:38 @ final bell
Bus leaves @ 3:00
Coaches Meeting - 4:30
Varsity Girls - 5:00
Varsity Boys - 5:30
JV Boys and GIRLS (together) 6:00
Awards 6:30
ETA back at PHS 7:45
No practice Friday!!!!

Link for map of course:

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Metro Pictures

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Can You Say PR????

WOW. So many PRs coming out of the KC METRO race. What an excellent way to prepare for the conference meet on Thursday. Let's pocket the feeling of setting fast times and remember how good it feels to better our times and challenge ourselves!
We will run 2 races on Thursday: Varsity and JV.
The times were extremely close for the top 7 spots leading into Conference:
Lizzy Jurries: 20:57
Lauren Black - 22:38
Kerry Maas : 22:40
DeDe O'Toole: 22:40
Lauren Blair: 22:41
Hannah Carlson: 23:05
Anna Schaeffer: 23:14
Jessica Hayes: 23:16
Olivia Ortiz: 23:18
Audrey Rothers: 23:40
Ellie Link 23:45
Erin Ringer 23:46
Sam Carpenter 24:00
Katie Leetz - 24:34
Raven Jennings - 24:34
Dara Weatherford - 24:39
Bailey Thompson - 24:43
Raelyn Morris - 24:44
Amanda Smith - 25:01
Carley Eslick - 25:23
Laura Sickman - 25:41
Abby Werner - 25:41
Jenna Allison - 25:41
Hanna Walsh - 25:48
Olivia Miller - 25:51
Maggi Wolfe - 26:02
Becca Herrera - 26:29
Jessica Waddle - 26:49
Anna Gomes - 26:55
Danielle Black - 27:26
Ashley Miller - 27:51
Maisie Baldwin - 28:07
Maddie Henning - 28:10
Madi Keller - 28:37
Kelsey Hamilton - 28:41
Madi Wellman - 28:49
Ashley Timmerman - 29:08
Libby Verner - 29:18
Tara Evans - 30:11
Shanelle Kudera - 30:14
Rachel Schisler - 30:23
Karlie Bischoff - 33:24
Taylor Breen - 35:18

With so many PRs leading into conference, we should all feel confident in our abilities to bring home the conference championship as a team. Excellent work this weekend!
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Homecoming Parade - Nice CC legs!

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Friday, September 24, 2010

Grandview Invitational Results

Congratulations to the team for surviving the windy conditions of Thursday's meet. Also, nice job on staying focused during this week's hectic Homecoming activities. Thanks to all those who were up and at 'em this morning at 8:00 for our post-meet run and breakfast.
The JV race had 215 runners! WOWZA. Our of a todal of 12 complete teams our JV finished 2nd to Lee's Summit by 8 points. nice job ladies. Our varsity finsihed 4th out of 8 teams. Remember, tomorrow is the Homecoming parade. We will meet at Park Hill South at 9:30. Please be ont ime so we are not rushing around trying to get everyone in their NEW team t-shirt.
Time for Grandview are as follows:
Lizzy Jurries - 21:40 6th place Varsity medal
Hannah Carlson - 22:37 16th place Varsity medal
DeDe O'Toole - 23:04 - 20th place Varsity medal
Lauren Blair - 23:11 - 22nd place Varsity medal
Kerry Maas - 23:19 25th place Varsity medal
Bailey Thompson - 23:58 - 8th place JV medal
Dara Weatherford - 24:20 11th place JV medal
Audrey Rothers - 24:27
Anna Schaeffer - 24:47 17th place JV medal
Jessica Hayes - 24:49 19th place JV medal
Raven Jennings - 25:00 - 21st place JV medal
Maggi Wolfe - 25:29
Erin Ringer - 25:30
Sam Carpenter - 25:41
Ellie Link - 25:53
Hanna Walsh - 25:53
Katie Leetz - 26:09
Lauren Black - 26:11
Larua Sickman - 26:35
Carely Eslick - 27:06
Justine Froude - 27:16
Olivia Miller - 27:18
Jenna Allison - 2732
Danielle Black - 27:59
Jessica Waddle - 28:51
Ashley Miller - 29:48
Ashley Timmerman - 29:55
Rachel Schisler - 29:56
Madi Keller - 30:27
Madi Wellman - 30:38
Kelsey Hamilton - 30:58
Shanelle Kudera- 31:52
Karlie Bischoff - 35:38
Taylor Breen - 36:22

Next Week, we head to the KC Metro Championships - a HUGE MEET with TONS of teams from the KC METRO (both Kansas and Missouri).
6:00 Load Bus
6:15 Bus Leaves from PHS
7:30 A.M. Coaches Meeting
8:00 A.M. 9th & 10th Grade Girls Race - Unlimited Entries (5k)
8:45 A.M. 9th & 10th Grade Boys Race - Unlimited Entries (5K)
9:30 A.M. Varsity Girls Race - Limit of 7 runners (5K)
10:00 A.M. Varsity Boys Race - Limit of 7 runners (5K)
10:30 A.M. J.V. Girls Race - Unlimited Entries (5K)
11:15 A.M. J.V. Boys Race - Unlimited Entries (5K)
12:00 P.M. Awards for the top 10 finishers in the varsity races and team trophies.
ETA back to PHS - 1:15
Monday - Practie off Campus - ELP. home by 4:30
Tuesday - On Campus Practice, finsihed at 4:30
Wednesday - 6:00 am MORNING practice for EVERYONE
Thursday - Off campus, Riverfront Trail, home by 4:30. Pasta Party in Thousand Oaks
Friday - Premeet - Finished by 4:00
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Joplin is Hot....literally

With temps nearing 90 degrees, the Lady Panthers took off in the hunt of fast times on a fast course. We left Joplin thankful that we left as a team and no one left in one of the many ambulances taken off the course yesterday. I know that many of our runners were bummed that their times were not faster but we must look at our times vs. the hot temperatures and walk away proud. Congratulations to the ladies for smart racing and for taking care of themselves. Huge thanks to Abby Werner, Maggi Wolfe and Justine Froude for coming along to get times and help take care of their teammates with bags of ice and cold water after their races.
Times for Joplin -
Lizzy Jurries 20:21 - 42nd out of 305 runners (8th place out of runners from our Sectional)
Hannah Carlson - 21:59 (First trip to Joplin = SUCCESS!)
Lauren Black - 22:28
Lauren Blair - 22:36
Kerry Maas - 22:45
DeDe O'Toole - 23:07
Olivia Ortiz - 23:25

The following runners will run JV (along with ALL of the Platte County meet runners) at Grandview on Thursday. Yes...we will have 37 runners in our JV race on Thursday at theGrandview invite.
Audrey Rothers - 23:41
Jessica Hayes - 24:15
Raelyn Morris - 24:18
Anna Schaeffer - 24:20
Hanna Walsh - 24:22
Ellie Link - 24:31
Erin Ringer - 25:50
Bailey Thompson
Sam Carpenter
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Friday, September 17, 2010

JV Takes 1st at Platte County

What happens when our school name is left off of the meet t-shirt? We leave our mark in ANOTHER taking 1st place. Wonderful job last night by both the JV and 1st year runners. The weather was absolutely beautiful and you took advantage and rocked this incredibly hilly course. Nice work! Big thanks to Maddie, Alone, Tara, Kate, Molly, Ashley and Abby for their work in getting all the times for both teams. We really can't do this without you! Thank you for continuing to be a part of our team and being supportive while you recover from injuries! Also, big congratulations to the girls in the 1st year race. I know it is frustrating when there are not many medals handed out but keep in mind - the main goal is to get better every week, medal or no medal. You did an excellent job!
Times are as follows:
Dara Weatherford - 24:12 - 9th place JV medal
Amanda Smith - 25:31 (1st meet! Woohoo!)
Raven Jennings - 25:31
Maggi Wolfe - 25:46 19th place JV Medal
Katie Leetz - 26:03
Anna Gomes - 26:27 21st place JV medal
Laura Sickman - 26:38 25th place JV medal
Jenna Allison - 26:41 - 26th place JV medal
Carley Eslick - 27:10 - 29th place JV medal
Olivia Miller - 27:17
Danielle Black - 27:25
Justine Froude - 27:41 - 36th place JV medal
Jessica Waddle - 27:53
Maisie Baldwin - 28:08
Becca Herrera - 28:38
Ashley Miller - 28:49
Anne Dusenberry - 29:42
Madi Keller - 29:45
Madi Wellman - 30:34
Rachel Schisler - 30:57
Kelsey Hamilton - 32:01
Shanelle Kudera - 32:06
Karlie Bischoff - 37:54
Taylor Breen - 39:40
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Congratulations Academic Letter Winners!

Jenna Allison
Maisie Baldwin
Lauren Blair
Kate Everly
Shanelle Kudera
Katie Leetz
Kerry Maas
Erin Ringer
Anna Schaeffer
Jessica Waddle
Abby Werner
Karlie Bischoff
Sam Carpenter
Carley Eslick
Jessica Hayes
Lizzy Jurries
Raelyn Morris
Audrey Rothers
Rachel Schisler
Ashley Timmerman
Hanna Walsh
Coach Jurgensmeyer

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bishop Miege Invite Results

Wonderful racing today, ladies..keep up the good work! The Lady Panthers took home 16 medals today! Let's use this momentum to tear up the courses of Platte County and Joplin this week.
This week, we will head to Smithville Monday for an off campus practice and will be home by 5:30, Tuesday is on campus practice finished by 4:30. We would like the girls to stay and cheer on the soccer boys so we can show our support for our fellow PHS athletes. Wednesday will be morning practice for everyone with the Joplin girls running speed work and the Platte County girls in the weight room. Thursday will be an on campus practice for the Joplin girls and the Platte county girls will travel to Platte Ridge park for their race. Friday we will all be together again for a post race/pre meet practice. Saturday morning, the Joplin girls will head out at 5:30am for their race at the Missouri Southern Stampede.

Joplin Stampede information: We will LEAVE PHS at 5:30 am on Saturday. Please bring money for lunch with you as we stop to eat on the way home. Please also bring PLENTY of snacks for yourself so you don't get hungry. Estimated time back to PHS: 5:30.
Joplin Stampede:

Top 8 Race at 10:45
Lizzy Jurries 17:21 (Varisty Medal - 8th place)
DeDe O'Toole - 18:08
Lauren Blair 18:28
Kerry Maas - 18:29
Lauren Black 18:33
Olivia Ortiz - 18:43:99 (2nd place Medal C team race)
Hannah Carlson - 18:44 (6th place JV medal)
Audrey Rothers - 19:01:14
The following girls will race at noon:
Bailey Thompson - 19:01:42 (11th place JV medal)
Erin Ringer - 19:33:45 (13th place JV medal)
Hanna Walsh - 19:34:81 (14th place JV medal)
Ellie Link - 19:35:88 (15th place JV medal)
Anna Schaeffer - 19:37:16 (16th place JV medal)
Sam Carpenter - 19:39:03 (17th place JV medal)
Raelyn Morris - 19:47:09 (19th place JV medal)
Jessica Hays - 19:53:41

The remaining athletes will race at Platte County Thursday. Athletes will get out of class at 2:15 so we can leave school at 2:35 to make it to the coaches meeting at Platte County. Our athletes are participating in 2 races Thursday.
JV Race is at 5:00 pm
1st Year race is at 6:00 pm
Katie Leetz - 20:09 - (22nd place JV medal) 1st year race Thursday
Dara Weahterford 20:20 - (24th place JV medal) JV Thursday
Raven Jennings - 20:26 (25th place JV medal) 1st year race Thursday
Maggi Wolfe - 20:34 JV Thursday
Justine Froude - 20:36 JV Thursday
Danielle Black - 21:03 1st year RAce Thursday
Laura Sickman - 21:13 JV Thursday
Olivia Miller - 21:24 1st year Race Thursday
Carley Eslick - 21:31 JV Thursday
Jenna Allison - 21:32 (16th place C team medal) JV Thursday
Anna Gomes - 21:42 JV Thursday
Jessica Waddle - 21:48 JV Thursday
Maisie Baldwin - 22:30 JV THUrsday
Kelsey Hamilton - 22:40 1st year Race Thursday
Becca Herrera - 22:46 1st year race Thursday
Ashley Timmerman - 23:03 1st Year Race Thursday
Anne Dusenberry - 23:18:14 1st year race Thursday
Madi Keller - 23:18:63 1st Year Race Thursday
Ashley Miller - 23:21 JV Thursday
Rachel Schisler - 24:19:50 JV Thursday
Shanelle Kudera - 24:36 JV Thursday
Libby Verner - 25:17 1st year race Thursday
Mairianne Buckmaster - 26:23 JV Thursday
Karlie Bischoff - 28:11 JV thursday
Taylor Breen - 29:44 JV Thursday
Amanda Smith !st year race Thursday
Slone Kays 1st year race Thursday
Abby Werner JV Thursday
Maddie Henning
Tara Evans
Katie Everly
Madi Wellman
Molly Jackson
Special thanks to Jay Carlson for his help with photos this week!

Coach Jurgensmeyer

Monday, September 6, 2010

Liberty Results

First off, congratulations to the 39 athletes who completed and competed this weekend in our first meet. The athletes were treated to a short 1.88 mile course with some nice hills and fast competition. Next weekend, we will all run a 4K on a much flatter course. It is always nice to have a real race to see where we stand as a team and to see where we can and need to improve. Overall, our 10th grade team had the best finish with 4th place - congratulations, 10th graders! As a team, we all need to get faster and work harder - if we can EACH get faster, we can push those around us to get faster too. I am sure that as we race more, our confidence will grow and we can only improve. Have faith in yourselves! You CAN do it!

Wednesday is our big PASTA PARTY FUNDRAISER! ALL athletes need to bring a dessert to share, the rest of the food will be provided. Remember - ticket money is due Tuesday! Any parents who can come early to help set up and serve are welcome! We will be in room E108.
For entries to the Bishop Miege Meet this weekend, I will list each race for Bishop Miege followed by the athletes running in that race with their times from Liberty.
8:00 am - Junior Varsity Race: (20)
Jessica Hayes - 15:00:53
Hannah Carlson - 15:04:36
Ellie Link - 15:06:22
Sam Carpenter - 15:08:04
Bailey Thompson - 15:28:90
Hanna Walsh - 15:30:49
Raven Jennings - 15:35:53
Abby Werner - 15:44:80
Raelyn Morris - 15:50:27
Anna Schaeffer - 15:57:40
Erin Ringer - 15:58:94
Danielle Black - 16:02:77
Olivia Miller - 16:08:75
Justine Froude - 16:11:76
Maggi Wolfe - 16:17:13
Carley Eslick - 16:20:44
Katie Leetz - 17:00:74
Jessica Waddle - 17:10:42
Anna Gomes - 17:10:72
Laura Sickman - 17:21:68

9:00 Girls Varsity (7)
Lizzy Jurries - 13:21:13
Lauren Blair - 14:04:20
DeDe O'Toole - 14:15:69
Kerry Maas - 14:22:42
Lauren Black - 14:44:90
Audrey Rothers - 14:49:60
Dara Weatherford - 14:50:11

10:20 C Team Girls - (21)
Ashley Timmerman - 18:00:13
Becca Herrera - 18:00:55
Kelsey Hamilton - 18:09:19
Ashley Miller - 18:10
Masie Baldwin - 18:13:32
Madi Keller - 18:13:60
Anne Dusenberry - 18:18:02
Madi Wellman - 18:47:97
Shanelle Kudera - 19:19:00
Rachel Schisler - 20:02:08
Taylor Breen - 22:03:87
Karlie Bischoff - 24:53:47
Jenna Allison
Marianne Buckmaster
Kate Everly *
Slone Kays*
Olivia Ortiz
Amanda Smith*
Maddie Henning *
Tara Evans *
Libby Verner
*Only if cleared to run through athletic trainer/Dr. note.

Bishop Miege
Meet Schedule:
6:15 - LOAD BUS @ PHS
6:25 - LEAVE PHS
7:30AM Coaches Meeting Main Tent
7:45AM Senior Introduction Seniors/Parents
8:00AM JV Girls 4K, unlimited entries 10 medals
8:30AM JV Boys 5K, unlimited entries 10 medals
9:00AM Varsity Girls 4K, 7 runners 10 medals
9:30AM Boys/Girls 7th/8th grade 1600 meters Award
9:50AM Varsity Boys 5K, 7 runners 10 medals
10:20AM C Team Girls 4K, unlimited entries 10 medals
10:50AM C Team Boys 5K, unlimited entries 10 medals
11:30AM Awards Ceremony Team award Champion & Runner-up
ETA Back at PHS - 1:00pm
Coach Jurgensmeyer