Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Banquet Recap

Thanks again to all those attending the banquet last night. Coach Huff and I know that the success of the team is a results of the hard work all of our athletes have put in and all of the help we receive from you - the parents. Thank you!
Here is a recap of the awards handed out last night in case you missed it!
Spirit Awards
Best Form – Jessica Froude, Lauren Black and Justine Froude
Best Hill Runners – Katy Lindsey, Mackenzie Kafka, Amy Willsey
Best Positive Attitude – Jenna Allison, Allyse Edwards, Lauren Gonner
Best Finishing Kick – Jeanie Lohnes, Emily Jimenez, Lauren Rittman
Best out of the Box – Evan Willsey, Tedi Sanchez
Most Prepared/Ready to Race: Molly Reinmuth, Ellie Link
Best Encourager – Maisie Baldwin, Diane-Jo Bart-Plange, Jane Jackson
Best Pace Setter – Jillian McDaniel, Miranda Henderson, Crissy Lueth
Best Track Runner – LOGAN Tucker-Nelson, Jessica NEwsom
Best Team Sport – Dana Willsey, Rachel Norfleet, Emily Moyes, Taylor Breen
Most reliable – Abby Werner, Hannah Carlson, Jessica Waddel
Most persistent – Shanelle Kudera, Carissa Belcher, Ashley Miller and Chloe Guardado
Best Motivator – Emily Kissee
Most inspirational – Rachel Houston, Amy Sickman, Kierstie Bischoff
Best newcomer – Natalie Clifford, Maggi Wolfe
You’re my Hero –Miranda Norfleet
Most SISU- Kyla Henderson
Letter Winners:
Varsity – Jeanie Lohnes, Amy Willsey, Miranda Norfleet, Lauren Black, Emily Kissee, Amy Sickman, Jessica Newsom, Katy Lindsey and Katy Riojas
Most Improved:
9th – Miranda Henderson
10th – Maggi Wolfe
11th Kierstie Bischoff
12th – Jessica Newsom
Most Outstanding:
9th – Katy Riojas
10th – Lauren Black
11th – Miranda Norfleet
12th – Amy Sickman
Coach Lerch

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