Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This week in CC

This is our last week as a full team! Today's practice will be on campus and over by 4:30. Tomorrow, we travel to Weston Bend State Park and run the trail there. After we finish running, we will go to Vaughn's Apple Orchard to vote on banquet awards and fill up on caramel apples. Unfortunately, the apple snack shack is not open during the week anymore so no apple fritters or slushies. Thursday, we will have another short campus workout. Thursday night is the pasta party hosted by Bogels, Willseys and Hendersons. Friday is premeet practice and meeting - we will be finished by 4:00. (Note: this is a change from the calendar that says we are traveling to English Landing Park Friday.) Friday morning at 7:00 in my classroom, the athletes will exchange their pep baskets that they drew names for last Friday in practice. Friday night is the homecoming football game. All athletes are encouraged to attend the game, stay through half time and then head home to get some rest for our big race Saturday! Saturday morning, we will leave PHS at 9:00. The varsity girls run at 11:30 (this includes all seniors and the following runners: Katy Lindsey, Miranda Norfleet, Katy Riojas, Lauren Black, Amy Willsey, Jeanie Lohnes and Jessica Newsom). The JV race is at 12:30 and includes ALL 10th and 11th graders (not already running varsity) and Miranda Henderson, Abby Werner and Ellie Link. All other 9th graders will run at 1:30. Snack bags Saturday are provided by the Sickman and Jackson families. Please make sure athletes are drinking plenty of water this week and getting plenty of rest. We will cut back significantly in our workouts to provide the freshest legs possible for Saturday. Saturday's weather is currently calling for low 80s so it will be plenty hot by the time we run our races. If we plan accordingly and get lots of water, we will be fine!
The top 12-14 runners will continue to practice for the next 2 weeks for our District competition on the 25th of October. I will call each of the athletes Sunday if they are expected to be at practice Monday. (The top 7 runners will automatically move on, the remainder of the runners will be determined by time.) There is no school for students Monday, but teachers have meetings so practice will be at 3:00 at English Landing Park. ALL Banquet money is due Wednesday, October 22nd, information on the banquet was sent home Friday with each athlete. Checks must be made out to Cascone's. Friday, October 17th there will be a meeting for the ENTIRE TEAM after school. Athletes who have completed their season are expected to turn in their warm-ups and uniforms at this time. These athletes will also be expected to clean out their lockers at this time.
Coach Lerch

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