Friday, September 25, 2009

Grandview Results:)

First off, have a great homecoming weekend! Have fun, be smart and take lots of pictures to share with us on Monday! Kierstie, Jodi and Jamie all look like they are ready to pose! I updated some pictures from the race last night and I will add the results tomorrow sometime. I am getting ready to go out of apologies for the delay in information. Thanks again to Mr. Ringer and Mr. Carlson for taking all of the wonderful pictures. I will add more pictures Sunday evening and Monday so please, keep checking back! Thanks to the Bischoffs for hosting the pasta party and to Sickmans, Jacksons and Werners for the yummy snack bags! Have a fabulous weekend! Thanks to ALL of the girls for being on time to practice this morning and for their WONDERFUL representation of PHS at Panera! You make us so proud!!!
UPDATED GRANDVIEW RESULTS: Brought to you from the grand city of Moline, IL....
Miranda Norfleet - 21:37
Lizzy Jurries - 21:38
Jessica Hayes - 22:44
Lauren Black - 23:09
Kerry Maas - 23:26
Audrey Rothers - 23:51
Ellie Link - 23:56
Evan Willsey - 24:17
Justine Froude - 24:20
Anna Schaeffer - 24:26
Amy Willsey - 24:27
Kierstie Bischoff - 24:29
Hannah carlosn - 25:16:55
Kelsey Sadler - 25:26
Abby Werner - 25:28
Erin Ringer - 25:47
Jane Jackson - 26:33
Anna gomes - 26:35
Regan Branchick - 26:40
Jamie Venzian - 26:56
Jessica Waddle - 26:58
Dana Willsey - 27:15
Laura Sickman - 27:24
Jessica Froude - 27:30
Jodi Hall - 27:40
Maisie Baldwin - 27:47
Thanks to Mackenzie, Chrissy and DeDe for coming along with the team to help take times.
this week practice schedule: Monday - Off campus- back by 5:00, Tuesday - On campus - 4:30, Wednesday - athletes need to bring $5.00 for dinner. We will travel tot he Trolley Trail in Waldo and runt he trail for a 5 mile run. After the run, we will eat at Waldo Pizza. $5 will cover dinner. We will be home by 6:30. Thursday - on campus - 4:30. Friday - pre-meet, finishedby 4:15. I will send an update later this week with athletes, times and assigned races. ALL injury free athletes will run the KC Metro race thsi weekend in Ray Pec. there is a 9th grade race, a 10th grade race, a JV race and a varsity race. I will update the post Monday evening with times and races for each athlete. It is a BIG race, with both the KS and MO side represented. This will also be an excellent test for our team to see how much faster we are on the same course. I expect a much faster visit to Ray Pec this go around. Until Monday, happy homecoming!

Coach Lerch

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