Friday, September 18, 2009

JV Places 3rd at Platte City!

The JV really turned it on last night - placing 3rd in Platte City! I feel what is even more important is the fact that EVERY runners ran faster than she did at Ray Pec-woohoo! Platte City is a much, MUCH more difficult course with many hills. Most of these runners will race again at KC Metro on October 3rd - back at Ray-Pec and I believe with the confidence fromt his race, we will see even faster times! Congratulations to medal winners: Justine Froude Hannah Carlson, Anna Gomes, Jane Jackson, Erin Ringer, Maggi Wolfe, Jamie Venzian and Jessica Waddle. ALL medal winners will run at Grandview on thursday, September 24th.
Justine Froude - 25:30
Hannah Carlson - 25:33
Anna Gomes - 26:26
Jane Jackson - 26:34
Erin Ringer - 26:35
Maggi Wolfe - 27:15
Jamie Venzian - 27:25
Jessica Waddle - 27:36
Maisie Baldwin - 28:08
Lauren rittman - 28:25
Jessica Froude - 29:00
Laura Sickman - 29:06
Hailey Stout - 29:11
Allyse Edwards - 29:29
Carley Eslick - 29:39
Elle Henning - 29:41
Shanelle Kudera- 30:00
Ashley Miller - 30:02
Kelly Bowen - 30:32
Lauren Gonner - 33:48
Rachel Sischler - 34:51
Brooke Ruby - 35:26
Katie Stezler - 36:26
Karlie Bischoff - 36:34
Taylor Breen - 36:54
Thanks to: Jessica Beeson, Julie Stout and Bonnie Gomes for the snack bags for last night! Once again, thanks to Mike Ringer for all of the pictures. Best of luck to our runners this weekend at Joplin. I will update the site on Sunday with those results and instructions for next week. Please make sure that your athlete RESTS this weekend - we have a number of athletes out sick and we want everyone to rest up and get well! Sleep is the best medicine athletes can have. Have a great weekend!
Coach Lerch

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