Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pictures from our Banquet

Sectional qualifiers

Freshman Varsity Letter Winners: Lexi, Kallen, Riley, Jasmine

Seniors 2014


Junior Letter Winners: Erin, Erica, Griffin

Cross Country Awards 2013
Spirit Awards

Captains: Danielle, Olivia M., Olivia O. and Raven

Sectional Qualifiers – Jasmine, Lexi, Erin, Erica, Madi, Riley, Griffin

Alternates: Kallen, Nicole, Charlie, Allison
Participation Awards:
9th grade: Anna
10th grade: Sophie, Reyna, Olivia, Emily
11th – Meredith Masters
12th– Raven, Lauren, Olivia

Best Form – Lexi  
Best Hill Runner – Charlie, Abby
Best Positive Attitude – Madi, Mariah, Astrid
Best Finishing Kick – Madi B.
Best out of the Box – Riley, Maggie
Most Encouraging – Morgan, Margaret
Most Supportive – Emily A.
Most Determined – Kallen
Best Track Runner – Allison
Most Prepared – Erica
Most Reliable – Olivia M.
Most persistent –Carolyn, Maddie, Maddi
Best newcomer – Erin
Best Team Sport –Nicole G.
Best Motivator – Michalea, Sara
Most inspirational – Griffin
You’re my Hero – Danielle
Most SISU- Jasmine

Letter Winners:
4 year letter winners – Danielle, Olivia M., Madi -W., Olivia O., Raven
Letter Winners – Varsity –
9th grade – Jasmine, Lexi, Kallen, Riley
10th Grade –Madi
11th Grade – Griffin, Erica, Erin
Most Improved:
9th grader: Riley
 11th – Griffin
 Most Outstanding:
 9th – Jasmine, Lexi
10th – Madi B
11th – Erica and Erin
12th – Olivia

Parents ROCK!

One of us seems a little happier about this situation.
Fathers know best!!

Thanks, Dad!

Coach Jurgensmeyer

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