Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time Change for Ray Pec Meet September 12

I just received this information regarding the Ray Pec meet NEXT weekend. If your daughter will not be able to run due to the time change, please e-mail me. I realize that many families make out of town plans well ahead of schedule so if this is a conflict, please let me know immediately.
TIME SCHEDULE : Due to the ACT test, the Ray Pec Coaches have moved the starting times back to allow athletes the chance to test and race .
11:30 Load bus and leave PHSouth
1:15 Coaches Meeting
1:30 JV Girls and Fr. Boys 3.1 Miles
2:00 JV Boys 3.1 Miles
2:30 Varsity Girls 3.1 Miles
3:00 Varsity Boys 3.1 Miles
5:00 ETA back at PHSouth
Coach Lerch

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