Friday, September 4, 2009

Uniform Information

ALL athletes will receive a team uniform TODAY at practice. These uniforms are BRAND NEW. We will share these uniforms with the girls track team and we would like them to stay looking like new for the next 3 seasons. In order to keep them presentable please remember : DO NOT DRY THEM!!! Drying the uniforms will shrink them and cause the graphic on the front to crack. The uniform shorts are designed as running shorts and therefore, have built in underwear in them. DO NOT cut these out of the uniforms shorts, as it will ruin them and cause them to be nearly see through. Each athlete is issued a uniform and is expected to turn in the same uniform and warm up at the end of the season. If ANY part of the uniform is lost or damaged, the ahtlete responsible will be fined the cost of that piece so we can replace it. Please help us take care of these items.
Thank you!!!

Coach Lerch

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