Monday, October 12, 2009

Conference/Uniforms Check-In/Banquet Information

Congratulations to the girls on a great conference showing in not so great conditions. The girls did an excellent job warming up for the races in such cold conditions. I believe that this may be the coldest regular season meet we have had in my 7 years coaching at PHS. Thanks to some mighty fine looking gloves, hats, tights and various other types of cold weather gear, the girls performed great! Varsity finished 2nd with Lizzy Jurries and Miranda Norfleet finishing in the top 7 (3rd and 5th respectfully) and receiving 1st Team All Conference Honors. Congratulations to Logan Tucker-Nelson for winning the JV race and Audrey Rothers for winning the 9th grade race and to the following medal winners: Lizzy, Miranda N and Lauren Black (varsity); Logan, Justine, Ellie, Miranda H, Hannah C, Mackenzie, Kelsey, Erin, Jenna and Anna G (Junior Varsity); and Audrey, Hanna W, Jodi and Hailey in the 9th grade race.

This week, the varsity and 5 alternates will continue practice for Districts on October 24th at Stocksdale Park in Liberty. ALL teammates are more than welcomed to ride the bus with the team to this meet.
October 24th Schedule:
Bus leaves PHS @ 12:45
Coaches meeting 2:00
Girls Varsity - 2:30
Boys Varsity - 3:00
Alternates (boys and girls) - 3:30.
The top 30 individuals and top 4 teams qualify to the Sectional meet on October 31st.

ALL team members will have a meeting Friday, October 16th in Coach Huff's room immediately after school. Team members NOT running in the district meet WILL turn in their uniforms and warm-ups at this time (PLEASE do not turn them in prior to this, it is too difficult to have uniforms dropped off all week long....Also, out of respect and good ol' common courtesy - WASH your uniforms and warm ups prior to turning them in to your coaches.)
ALL money for the banquet will also be handed in at the meeting. Checks can be made to Park Hill South. Banquet is $13 per person. Team members also volunteering at the KC Marathon will also receive their volunteer t-shirts at this time.

Conference times: TOP 12 Move to District meet on 10/24
Lizzy Jurries - 20:51
Miranda Norfleet - 21:33
Lauren Black - 22:41
Jessica Hayes - 22:50
DeDe O'Toole - 22:51
Logan Tucker-Nelson - 23:24
Kerry Maas - 23:31
Justine Froude - 23:36
Audrey Rothers - 23:45
Kierstie Bischoff - 23:57
Ellie Link - 24:01
Miranda Henderson - 24:11

Evan Willsey - 24:03
Amy Willsey - 24:30
Hanna Walsh - 24:39
Hannah Carlson - 24:55
Mackenzie Capps - 25:06
Kelsey Sadler - 25:22
Erin Ringer - 25:32
Jenna Allison - 25:48
Anna Gomes - 26:14
Jodi Hall - 26:17
Abby Werner - 26:26
Jessica Waddle - 26:27
Haiely Stout - 26:43
Maisie Baldwin - 26:46
Dana Willsey - 27:05
Laura Sickman - 27:23
Lauren Rittman - 27:27
Carley Eslick - 27:37
Jane Jackson - 27:39
Shanelle Kudera - 27:57
Regan Branchick - 28:01
Marianne Buckmaster - 28:06
Ashley Miller - 28:09
Jessica Froude - 28:19
Elle Henning - 28:28
Kelley Bowen - 28:55
Allyse Edwards - 29:41
Brooke Ruby - 30:36
Lauren Gonner - 30:54
Chloe Jones - 30:55
Rachel Schisler - 31:02
Katie Stezler - 33:39
Karlie Bischoff - 34:41
Taylor Breen - 35:29

Thanks to the Jurries, Wolfes and Waddles for snack bags! Thanks to the Willseys for bravely hosting the Extravaganza Saturday night. From all accounts, the girls had a good time and ACTUALLY slept!

Coach Lerch

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