Monday, October 12, 2009

Picture CDs Available!

Want to have a keepsake for the 2009 CC season? Order your picture CD TODAY! Picture CDs will include photos of YOUR athlete the following races this season:
Two Mile Time Trial
Liberty - Sophmore race, JV race
Ray Pec - JV and Varsity
Platte Invitational - JV
KC Metro - 9th and 10th Grade, JV, Varsity
Grandview - JV/Varsity
Conference Meet - Freshmen, JV and Varsity

*Most athletes have at least 10-30 pictures from EACH race listed above. The photos on the website are just a sampling of all the great photos from this season.
To help you get an idea of the various numbers of pictures for each athlete, see below (THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE using various athletes). It lists an athlete, the race and the number of pictures of that athlete in that specific race. As you can see, MOST athletes will have well over 10 photos per race.
Anna Gomes - Grandview - 22, Liberty - 14, Ray Pec - 49
Abby Werner - Grandview - 32, Liberty - 37, Ray Pec - 23
Laura Sickman - Grandview - 35, Liberty - 28, Ray Pec - 26
Maise Baldwin- Grandview - 28, Liberty - 43, Ray Pec - 12
Lizzy Jurries- Grandview - 62, Ray Pec - 39, Liberty - 0
Miranda Norfleet - Grandview - 51, Ray Pec - 39, Liberty - 0

**Picture CDS will also include a TEAM folder that has includes photos of the race starts and group photos.
***Picture CDS need to be ordered by Tuesday, October 20th. Checks can be made to Park Hill South. Each picture CD is $25.00 (you can write 1 check for the banquet and the picture CD). All money from the sale of the CDs will go to benefit the team for next season. All cds will be delivered at the banquet on October 27th. If you are not attending the banquet, Coach Lerch will get the CD to your daughter in school.

Thanks to Mike Ringer once again for taking the pictures and his helpers: Mr. Sadler, Mr. Carlson and Mr. Jones!

Coach Lerch

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